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  1. S

    Alternative Medicine

    I'm a big fan of the aromatherapy in the humidifier especially when i have a bad cold. I generally use pure eucaplyptus oil or Olbas oil. It helps me breathe easier without being too strong or overpowering. However, I love the idea of a humidifier that also puts salt particles in the air...
  2. S

    Slow progress with working out...advice requested

    coincidentally i just started a supervised weight training program. My trainer recommends short sessions that are high intenstity (HIT- high intensity training). He swears that its the only way to build up muscles quickly. I'm sure you can find more info/books about it on the web. I just...
  3. S

    Slow progress with working out...advice requested

    coincidentally i just started a supervised weight training program. My trainer recommends short sessions that are high intenstity (HIT- high intensity training). He swears that its the only way to build up muscles quickly. I'm sure you can find more info/books about it on the web. I just...
  4. S

    Slow progress with working out...advice requested

    coincidentally i just started a supervised weight training program. My trainer recommends short sessions that are high intenstity (HIT- high intensity training). He swears that its the only way to build up muscles quickly. I'm sure you can find more info/books about it on the web. I just...
  5. S

    Slow progress with working out...advice requested

    coincidentally i just started a supervised weight training program. My trainer recommends short sessions that are high intenstity (HIT- high intensity training). He swears that its the only way to build up muscles quickly. I'm sure you can find more info/books about it on the web. I just...
  6. S

    Slow progress with working out...advice requested

    coincidentally i just started a supervised weight training program. My trainer recommends short sessions that are high intenstity (HIT- high intensity training). He swears that its the only way to build up muscles quickly. I'm sure you can find more info/books about it on the web. I just...