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  1. P

    I hate Cipro!

    I hate Cipro too...such a waste of time for me. It sort of puts my invection in hiding for a week or two then bam, I have it again. Plus I love milk and being outside..two things Cipro doesn't like.
  2. P

    women question

    I too got implants, I didn't even fit an A cup now I'm a full C. I wasn't completely insecure, I just hated my barrell boy shaped body. My implants are amazing they look and feel real. I totally look as though I have curves now. I got them done in 2002 and don't regret it for a sec. In terms of...
  3. P

    picc line or not to picc line?

    I have so much trouble with PICC's. This is only my 3rd one but man I HATE them. Well to be honest it's the 1st 4 days or so that I can't handle. I've had mine in since Monday and I'm ok with it now one week later. They always have such trouble putting them hurts SO much and I'm sore for...
  4. P

    Hospital Stories/Rude People Stories

    I have so many stories...another great post! I actually just got out of the hospital on Fri and I'm currently home on IV's. Oh man I'm having such a sh*t time with the @ home care. 1st of all is it just me or is the PICC the worst. I always have such trouble with them. They had a difficult time...
  5. P

    Lazy or unfit?

    Hello Shammerock! I can run really fast, I played allot of sports, swam allot and was even in competitive plat form diving. It didn't stop the coughing fits, they came along with it no matter how many activities I was doing on a regular basis. I'm sure it helps allot as it builds muscle which is...
  6. P

    Working with cf

    This is a touchy subject for me. I have worked and when at work I do all that I can to make up for the time that I will or have missed. I'm straight up with employers and explain that I completely understand if my Cf gets in the way that I will leave no hard far so good. I only...