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  1. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, I received the one page results report and want to clarify that all tests were run. I think we have an all clear... Here is what is shown on the report: CFTR FULL GENE Known Mutation: None Detected Novel Variant: None Detected CFTR DEL/DUP Gross...
  2. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Welcome Back, Steve! Sorry to hear that you were not on vacation, and glad (if you are) that there have been no additions to the family.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Are any CF tests from a Nashville-area fertility clinic looking close to being done? I believe...
  3. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Harriett, Have you heard anything yet? We haven't heard anything since last week when we got the word on the 508 test. This waiting is really getting hard. I was hoping to know something by now...tomorrow will be three weeks. I know the paperwork said up to 5 weeks, but I honestly didn't think...
  4. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    I think Steve went on vacation and forgot to tell us!
  5. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Harriett, I don't think you were silly or negligent or anything else by not being tested in advance. If I had not been going to a reproductive specialist, testing would not have even entered my mind either. And, to be honest, even when it was presented to us when we were doing IVF, we initially...
  6. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Hi Harriett! Thanks for letting me know how long your daughter's test took. when she was diagnosed, did you and your husband test or are you just testing your children? I hope you get results soon, and that they bring good news! If it is not too personal, do you have any known relatives...
  7. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Hi Steve, Thanks for your response a few weeks ago regarding my question about donor eggs and additional testing. My husband had blood drawn last Monday and we are (perhaps not so patiently) waiting for the results. I was wondering, will we be notified if the 508 First test is negative? I...
  8. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Hi Steve, WOW! I have spent the past two hours reading this thread. What a wealth of information here. I have a question related to recommended testing. I am considering an egg donor who has been positively identified as a CF carrier, but I do not know the specifics of her mutations, etc. She...