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  1. D

    Is muscle building different for me because i have cf?

    I also work out 4 to 5x a week too. It was hard at first but I got my calorie macros (fats/carbs/proteins) figured out. Too often nutritionist tell cf people to get whatever calories they can get. CF patients build muscle the same as everyone else, but it's harder with our CF absorption issues...
  2. D

    On line support for caregivers of stroke victim?

    Hello. When I went to surgery for my double-lung transplant three years ago, I had a stroke,I had asphaisia and aprixia. I found some support groups for stroke victims and caregivers. on FB - Stroke Survivor, the have an online group...
  3. D

    Who are you in a nut shell

    who are you in a nut shell My name is Heather I'm a female I'm 5' and 101 lbs I am 27 yrs. old Live in Norfolk, Virginia I was diagnosed at 4 months old-failure to thrive My FEV1's are 24-28% Currently on Double lung transplant list Had sinus surgeries, gallbladder removed, VATS on left and...