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  1. A

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Hi Steve, We are currently waiting on my husband's Ambry results in order to proceed with a frozen IVF cycle. I was diagnosed with CF after our twins were born prematurely and our son tested as a carrier. I have DF508 and R117H and they think (my doctors) that my husband is a carrier of a less...
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    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    One more quick question... Are these two mutations typically associated with affecting the CFTR in certain ways. What I mean...Is the combo of the two related more closely to pulmonary or GI issues or is it a combination of the two? Thank you!
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    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Hi Steve, I have to tell you that this site has been the most interesting and most educational site I have come across. I am a 30 yr. old female diagnosed last week with CF. After my diagnosis I realized that the mild symptoms I have had my entire life are probably related to the CF (although I...
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    Had a Fertility Consult Today

    I ran across your blog last night and then after registering with I read your thread. Small world!!! Anyway, I have been through years of fertility treatments. For all of those years I was considered "unexplained infertility." It was so frustrating b/c we knew there was a problem, but...
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    Had a Fertility Consult Today

    I ran across your blog last night and then after registering with I read your thread. Small world!!! Anyway, I have been through years of fertility treatments. For all of those years I was considered "unexplained infertility." It was so frustrating b/c we knew there was a problem, but...
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    Had a Fertility Consult Today

    I ran across your blog last night and then after registering with I read your thread. Small world!!! Anyway, I have been through years of fertility treatments. For all of those years I was considered "unexplained infertility." It was so frustrating b/c we knew there was a problem, but...
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    Had a Fertility Consult Today

    I ran across your blog last night and then after registering with I read your thread. Small world!!! Anyway, I have been through years of fertility treatments. For all of those years I was considered "unexplained infertility." It was so frustrating b/c we knew there was a problem, but...
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    Had a Fertility Consult Today

    I ran across your blog last night and then after registering with I read your thread. Small world!!! <br /> <br />Anyway, I have been through years of fertility treatments. For all of those years I was considered "unexplained infertility." It was so frustrating b/c we knew there was a...