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    anyone dx'd with CF without known mutations?

    Hi! My son was cleared of having CF last spring after Genzyme amplified genetic testing came up finding no mutations. He had a borerline/positive sweat test and failure to thrive which prompted the CF testing last winter. We were very relieved to find out he did not have CF; however, he now...
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    anyone dx'd with CF without known mutations?

    Hi! My son was cleared of having CF last spring after Genzyme amplified genetic testing came up finding no mutations. He had a borerline/positive sweat test and failure to thrive which prompted the CF testing last winter. We were very relieved to find out he did not have CF; however, he now...
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    Test results and Nissen surgery

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to keep you updated about my son. His upper GI and endoscopy results came back and it showed that he has inflammation in his esophagus consistent with reflux. The biopsy showed basal cells and eosinophil cells and the DR. said that his esophagus was very sensitive to...
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    Update on diagnosis

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know the latest on our diagnosis status. My 10 year old son was referred to the CF clinic because of a high borderline sweat test last January- 2 CF clinics, a MRSA culture and another specialist appt. later, his amplified genzyme genetic test came back with...
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    Hi All! My son is taking bacrim and rifampin because he cultured MRSA. He has been taking them for on week and he woke up this morning covered in a rash-all over his face, back, buttocks arms. It is worst on his face and buttocks. He says it is itchy and I gave him benadryl. Could he be...
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    Son cultured MRSA

    The Dr. from the CF clinic called today to tell me that my son's sputum "grew a bug" and he needed to be treated with antibiotics. She said the bug was MRSA. He has not yet been diagnosed with CF. Could this be another symptom that he has CF or does everyone (non CF)culture MRSA in their...
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    1st CF Clinic

    Hi all! Just wanted to let you know that my ds had his appt. at the CF clinic yesterday. I didn't know what to expect except that he would have to do more tests, so maybe you can help me out a bit as to what they mean. First they took him back to do "PFT's" and although he consistently could...
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    Do any of your kids do this?

    I was just wondering if any of your CF kids "spit up" during the night and whether or not this could be a symptom of CF. My daughter is 5 years old and has just recovered from pneumonia. Prior to her being sick, she woke up and spit up in the middle of the night, not all out vomit, but spit...
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    Negative initial genetic testing

    My son had borderline sweat tests 51 & 57, then his initial genetic testing came back negative, which we celebrated. But my husband and I are perplexed. It is so obvious he is malnourished-so many GI problems for a long time. I keep searching for reasons for malnourishment which takes me to...
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    Negative initial genetic testing

    My son had borderline sweat tests 51 & 57, then his initial genetic testing came back negative, which we celebrated. But my husband and I are perplexed. It is so obvious he is malnourished-so many GI problems for a long time. I keep searching for reasons for malnourishment which takes me to...
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    Leg cramps/pain

    My DS, who is awaiting the results of his genetic test (scored a 51 and 57 on his sweat test) so we are in diagnosis limbo right now, has leg cramps frequently. He eats a lot of bananas, but he occaisionally gets these cramps and he woke up last night with one. Is this common for CF kids? The...
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    I have so many questions, can you help?

    My 9 Year old son just recieved a sweat test of 51 and 57 and the Dr. has ordered genetic testing for cystic fibrosis. My DS was referred to a pediatric endocrinologist for short stature. He will be 10 next month and weighs between 47-49 lbs and is only 49 inches tall. He used to hover around...