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  1. J


    Could you please forward me a copy as well. Thanks Jennifer
  2. J


    WOW!! Thank you so much for the great information. I will be glad to visit the website! Jennifer
  3. J


    All of the money I've raised so far has been from selling the pin-ups.
  4. J


    Did you and your husband know you were CF carriers? My husband and I didn't. No one in our family has CF so this was a HUGE shock for us. I have also met some really great people on this website and through my local chapter. We started out thinking this was a death sentence for our daughter but...
  5. J


    I live by Metro airport. Thanks for all the support everyone. It's worth a try. I will try anything once so if I don't get any responses at least I know I tried. i have already raised quite a bit of money in the past 2 weeks so I am already proud of everyone who has already helped me. <img...
  6. J


    Hi, Since finding out my daughter that I am pregnant with (6 months) had CF (almost 2 months now). I have done a lot of research and have met some really GREAT people. I am now part of the CF foundation. I live in Michigan and the annual Great Strides walk is May 15. I will be taking part in...
  7. J

    Anyone have the DF508 and G551D Mutations?

    Hi. I am preganant as well and my daughter has inherited the DeltaF508 which she gets from me (the mom) and one that is not very common from my husband. Jen, I know how scared you must be I have been going through all the testing for a month now and we just found out our daughter has CF. I...
  8. J

    18 week pregnancy is + for CF

    Hi. I am 24 weeks pregnant and my daughter was also diagnosed with CF. I agree it is very devistating. I can relate so much to what your friend is going through. I wish we had a way to find out the severity as well. I wish her all the best because I am going through it with her. I will say one...
  9. J

    Air Supply in the house

    Thanks so much for all the great info everyone. We have central air in the house now but the furnace is rather old. We are going to replace it.
  10. J


    I looked at the pictures and they are great! You all look so healthy and full of life. You guys have touched my heart in ways I can't describe. Thanks to all your support my family and I will be able to work through this. Jennifer
  11. J


    In reply to NoDayButToday: You seem like a very strong girl. Her name is Alayna Madison. Everything you said really gave my husband and I <b>HOPE</b>. So far all the advice and support from everyone here has changed our thoughts and outlook on CF. I want my daughter to live a very full life...
  12. J

    please help me

    Everything you have said has been wonderful. I need to know all of this information. I would rather get this from someone like you who lives with it then say a parent of a child that has CF. I would never keep her from anything except something that would put her health at risk. All of our...
  13. J


    Thanks for the information. You have been a HUGE help. I can't thank you enough you have changed my outlook on this whole thing. I am much happier knowing I can talk to people about this and get positive results.
  14. J

    please help me

    We have not been able to find this in our families. We have 3 nephews and a niece on the way that show no signs of it. But then again no one has had any reason to get tested. Based on what the genetic counselors are telling us she will have the "Classic" CF. I am still a little unsure of what...
  15. J


    What exactly is meconium ileus? The genetic counselor said something about it but didn't get into to much detail.
  16. J


    I can't thank you guys enough. Everything you are saying makes things seem so much more hopeful. Thanks again.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
  17. J


    Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you said . For the past few weeks during all of this it has been devastating. The doctors and counselors make it sound like a death sentence. Knowing I can come to a place like this and find comfort is so wonderful. A lot of people are against...
  18. J


    I am six months pregnant and my daughter (due June 19) was diagnosed with CF. My husband and I are both carriers of the CF gene. I am so sad for my little girl. This is a battle with no cure. I am trying to be strong for her but it is so hard. I am so emotional already because I am pregnant...
  19. J

    Where are we all from in the World?

    I am from MI and my unborn daughter (DUE JUNE 19) was diagnosed with CF