Search results

  1. S

    College Roommate....

    So I'm getting a new college room mate and I'm kinda nervous! I've always had my own room and it will be nice to have company but I don't know how to explain my bathroom habits to her. I have CF so I poop. A lot. And it smells. A LOT. I've never really been embarrassed about it before but I've...
  2. S

    Moving Port

    I got a port just over a week ago and have just had all the tape taken off today. I didn't realise earlier but now that I can see it I'm noticing it moves, a lot. Is this normal? It's in the top of my chest, kind of the top of my boob and moves from the middle of my chest to almost at my arm...
  3. S

    Where were you...

    I've just been told I'm on the list two days ago and have lots and lots of questions. One thing I keep wondering is where I'll be when the call comes through and how will I react. So I was wondering- to everyone who has received "The Call"- where were you? And what were your first thoughts?