10% HTS from Dey backordered- anybody else?


New member
I called my (local) pharmacy about my 10% HTS to make sure it was in before I picked it up, and they said the had been ordering it everyday for a week, and it keeps coming back as backordered from the manufacturer. Is anybody else having a similar issue?


New member
I called my (local) pharmacy about my 10% HTS to make sure it was in before I picked it up, and they said the had been ordering it everyday for a week, and it keeps coming back as backordered from the manufacturer. Is anybody else having a similar issue?


New member
I called my (local) pharmacy about my 10% HTS to make sure it was in before I picked it up, and they said the had been ordering it everyday for a week, and it keeps coming back as backordered from the manufacturer. Is anybody else having a similar issue?


New member
I called my (local) pharmacy about my 10% HTS to make sure it was in before I picked it up, and they said the had been ordering it everyday for a week, and it keeps coming back as backordered from the manufacturer. Is anybody else having a similar issue?


New member
I called my (local) pharmacy about my 10% HTS to make sure it was in before I picked it up, and they said the had been ordering it everyday for a week, and it keeps coming back as backordered from the manufacturer. Is anybody else having a similar issue?


New member
I called my (local) pharmacy about my 10% HTS to make sure it was in before I picked it up, and they said the had been ordering it everyday for a week, and it keeps coming back as backordered from the manufacturer. Is anybody else having a similar issue?