

New member
Huh well my son can't walk out of his room without turning the light off, ejecting and rewinding the tape in the v.c.r then putting it in a stack next to the t.v. and closing the door. True this might not sound odd if he had not just turned two. My eye twitches when I am anoyed I count at stop signs. And we both open the fridge just to see what is in there even if we are not hungry stand there and say huh (me) and oh wow (him)


New member
This may not be what your asking but I think its a weird habbit. If I scratch one side of my head I have to do the other. Or one ear, cant neglact the other. If I pick one nail to get the gunk out I have to do all of them, fingers and toes. Even if I have just locked the door a few hours before, I have to check them before I can get to sleep. I have this routine I have to do before I can get to sleep too, or at least feel comfortable in bed. Like checking all the rooms, making sure the lights are off stuff is up (even if i already know I did it) doors locked, go to the bathroom, make sure the hubby is all covered and the dog is there. Like I said may not seem weird but the way I do things I think its weird.


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Everytime I open the cabinent in the kitchen, I reach for my Creon, even if I mean to grab a glass.


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After reading this post i realize i am not the only one with OCD..............lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
~Diane 40 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


New member
Purplelungs, I do all those same things. I also have a cleaning obsession, lol. I actually ENJOY scrubbing our tile and grout with comet and a scratch brush. And, don't even ask about lysol or bleach. Weird, I know.


New member
Oh man, Diane (hah I rhymed), I don't think I'm actually obsessive compulsive, but I definitely have quite a few OCD-like habits. I'm really anal retentive about some stuff.


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I have to have the coffee table just so-so. Also the kitchen counters. I can tell when somethings out of place. I try to let it be but noooo, I have to fix it. Everything else doesn't bother me. Just those 2 things. Strange....


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>I'm really anal retentive about some stuff. <hr></blockquote>

I'm anally retentive when I take too many enzymes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I do some weird stuff. I have a counting issue. Like anything I see I have to count how many there are. And I recheck everything if I go to my boyfriends for the weekend. I will check to make sure I have evrything 50 times and will even stop the car to check again while I am driving! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I am kind of a nutjob, LOL! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


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I wish I had it so good? I am what the "shrinks" call OCD. My mind can't seem to get off the thought of germs. I go anywhere and i am constantly thinking about WHO touched this door handle? Or the railing by the stair? What IF that person just came from the bathroom and didn't use soap? And what if that person is sick? Bronchitus? Amnomonia? Nice spelling, huh! Do you want to hear something really ironic? I'm a cashier. Money-the one thing that has many, way to many germs. Needless to say, my hands are not very soft So, enuf spilling my guts. I gotta go do something. Feeling rather anxious. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


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Okay, this isnt so much a habit, or obsession but i HATE buttons!! I mean like t-shirt buttons. Its so odd!. I cant stand the white ones on lacoste t-shirts orr kind of brown ones. They just send shivers down my spine! im ok with like see-through normal ones on shirts. It is VERY peculiar...
A weird thing i do (and have done since i was like2) is when i go to sleep i sleep with my head on my hands not pillow. My hands are like in a 'prayer' position up by my ear<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Okay here's one..ok two...alright, a few!! I still suck my thumb, all the time...except when I'm around ppl I don't really know. I'll do it driving, when I'm hungry, in bed...etc. I love thinking that the reason I still do this is that I had an identicle twin sister (Carrie) who died of CF. She died at almost 5 months....that was how I was diagnosed. We were pretty sick babies and found allot of comfort in each other. We ALWAYS had to sleep in the same crib. We slept head to toe and sucked each others toes...my mom said we would throw fits if we wen't sleeping like that. So I like to think it's my connection or comfort...or maybe just alittle weird being almost 29! I love tags, I'll get one from an article of clothing, rip it off and rub it until it falls apart. Trust me a good tag is hard to find so when I have one I love it. Weird eh! I'm also anal as H*ll, I love things neat and organized. I don't live much of a stressfull life so my stress comes when things are unorganized.
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Ok so I only did this topic so I could be #1300. Does anyone else have any funny or odd habits?<hr></blockquote>

Okay, I have been trying to figue this out for days....what are you trying to be #1300 of?


New member
if you look at the topics it is #1300. i just like that #.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">