Ummm.. I'm not really sure how to respond to that post. Yes, the link that Amy provided is off of respirtech's website, but it is to an article published in a peer-reviewed journal. Access to these journal articles is often difficult for those who do not have an academic or research affiliation, so I would thing that those "that are here to gain [knowledge], be educated and to be informed" would appreciate Amy pointing out this information.
You'll notice that she made no comments arguing anything about the vests nor did she provide you with her conclusions based on the article. She just made this study available for you to read and use as you will.
Sorry if this seems a little defensive, but I honestly took some offense at you coming out of left field and posting what seemed to be almost slander.
If I interpreted your intentions wrong, I hope you'll accept my apology, but I'm guessing you can understand why I thought you were attacking someone.