3rd Dimention help!


New member
help i feel trapped (like the boy in the bubble) cos when i wonder thru the forum i cnt intereact with u all wen logged in. its like im looking into another world i call out but u cnt hear me.so i have2 sign off that allows me 2 write this msg,crazy i no, sum say contact bill i cnt wen logged-off catch22 and cant wen logged-on.
wat do i do? i need intereaction or it mite be the end of me on here! cj
thanks if u can help!


New member
CJ, I just sent bill a message for you. I have no idea how to help/what tell you but I know he can get it figured out for you.


New member
and how is that cf related ? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
Are you kidding me? It's CF related because he wants to post using his username and he can't. Technichal problems are ALWAYS on topic in any forum category.
If you can't help him, or choose not to, there's no need to get snooty and hoity toity about it. You just joined today, come on.

CJ, any resolution yet?


New member
hi sk8rgrrr4life, as julie said !.
unfotunately i have cf2, and as you can see i can only use part of this site and some of that ennonymously. to me its important that you all no who i am, and i wish 2 explore the site further. with out people like me and julie/ helpfull others there would'nt be a site im not havn a go at you so if you see my name cj come and have a chat im ok-ish?
best wishes cj


New member
hi julie thanks for your comments a have only just come on the site 2day sun. at the mo im useing my brovs sys until mines installed ie broadband were'nt ignoring you ok!
look 4ward to us speaking best wish cj be in touch soon promise cj x


New member
what this julie just spotted you have triplets on board briliant, my brov has cf also and he i a dad now ivf ( ixy) i fink he had best wish from the bottom of my heart to you mark and family. can i ask you a q how can i send you msgs privetly? cj
xxxone each for triplets