

New member
I'm sorry the children who can not play well with others caused you to withdraw from the site. It would be a whole lot more fun with you here. You really contributed alot, and I always looked forward to hearing about you and Japan. We, the <b>adult</b> members here miss you. That was a fine post you gave as to why this site didn't appeal to you, but don't you see, you're contributions helped keep our little boat on even keel. Please come back--we need as many adults as we can get to watch the children!


New member
Miss you too Samurai!


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New member
Well, I've rescently learned this is my fault, and I apolagize to Fred. And Fred only. As for he is one of the best people that has been on here and left. Fred, I'm sorry. But, I don't regret ANYTHING I've done, nor will I ever.


Thank you, dear flower child for your concerns!
I'll do what I can to toss those buckets of water out of the boat!!
Technogeek1300, for the record, it is not totally your actions which influenced my decision to be absent from here, though it is a humble thing to accept personal fault, but it is an even braver thing to apologize to those affected, not to those you are being tutored to.
However, having no regret to what you have done, does not seem in conjunction with your apologies. I'm sure you have your pride to guard, and thus will not back down to what you already stand for.
However, in life, like in some forms of martial arts, there is the technique of accepting what comes to you and moving in harmonious flow.
I just hope you can learn soon enough that it is not wise to burn bridges, nor is it wise to make enemies.
Something I don't think enough people see on this board, (and I may even be guilty of this), is that words can sometimes be stronger than anything else. A famous saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" suggests that by tarnishing someones name by word, or writings, it could adversely effect their life. Also, when someone writes, or even says harsh things to someone else (This has happened when my ex-wife called me crude names, or my mother-in-law would blurt out something hurtful), that those words sticks into the memory.
This is probably one reason why there seem to be so many personal attacks going on here, no one seems to realize this fact.


New member
Please don't leave us. I really like your post. I know there's alot of drama on these boards (like a soap lol!!!). I just try to ignore the drama part of it though because there is a lot of good info and a lot of helpful people (you included).


New member
I know I'll miss you Fred. I enjoy your words of wisdom, and do so love your posts. If a break is what you need, then take all the time in the world that you need, regardless of how long or short it is.


New member
Guys, i'm leaving the forum!

/walks into kitchen

/makes a turkey samich

/sits back down at PC

Ok guys i'm back!


New member
Wait Anon... You needed to give us a chance to tell you how much we love you and beg you to stay....THAT'S how it goes !


New member
Fred, I miss you too but I am glad you've found some other CF resources for the time being. I know you check back here because you have some really strong relationships here and I am so happy for that. It's never easy to leave when you have to leave behind those that you DO care about. I just wish everyone couldunderstand that, and could understand the very well written and touching post you made earlier.

I'll miss you on here, but I know you'll be back when the time is right for YOU and I know where to find you in the meantime <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Wait Anon... You needed to give us a chance to tell you how much we love you and beg you to stay....THAT'S how it goes !</end quote></div>

Amy, go eat your turkey sandwich already!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Wait Anon... You needed to give us a chance to tell you how much we love you and beg you to stay....THAT'S how it goes !</end quote></div>

that was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaa


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Wait Anon... You needed to give us a chance to tell you how much we love you and beg you to stay....THAT'S how it goes !</end quote></div>

Amy, go eat your turkey sandwich already!</end quote></div>

that wasn't me, i swear. ask the moderator. check the IP address... it wasn't me. sorry sucka :p

when i type something, i don't do it anon. i have the balls to do it under my name.

I think it's hysterical that other people see this besides me. it's just too bad that people don't have the guts to post under their name.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Wait Anon... You needed to give us a chance to tell you how much we love you and beg you to stay....THAT'S how it goes !</end quote></div>

Amy, go eat your turkey sandwich already!</end quote></div>

that wasn't me, i swear. ask the moderator. check the IP address... it wasn't me. sorry sucka :p

when i type something, i don't do it anon. i have the balls to do it under my name.

I think it's hysterical that other people see this besides me. it's just too bad that people don't have the guts to post under their name.
</end quote></div>

My name is Garyhairycheese. The post that was quoted in here was mine. I agree with the attention whore aspect of it all. I have been banned already, I know how to use proxy servers, I will keep posting as long as I see fit. I could easily give this boards information to a horde of really nasty people who are way more technically adept than me, and this site would be long gone not only due to floods and hacks, but massive spam also. I choose to keep posting on here, therefore I will continue to keep posting on here, regardless what IP or submask is banned. I'm not a bad guy. It just so happens on here, that when someone gets real stupid, and you represent a logical argument that just so happens to show how stupid someone else is, you get banned here. Not to mention even if you play carebear nice and continue on, you either get a momentary ban, a deleted post, or more than likely a locked thread. Don't deceive yourself and think just because this form is labeled as "adult", we are treated as adults. That isn't how it is.



New member
amy you think you have "balls", what you have is pent up aggession and arrogance, iv'e noticed a theme with your threads, " don't care who i upset i'm going to say it anyway" and so it goes on . boring and rude. !!!!!!


New member

What is it exactly that you do all day?? Seems you spend an awful lot of time sitting in front of your computer screen, trying to come up with witty posts on a cf forum...Acting all hard on a computer is a little pathetic if you ask me. To be quite honest your posts are boring and scream for attention. Seems you've found that if you slag other people off, you'll get attention so that works for you. I think you should take a break from your computer and keyboard and go out and enjoy life for a while, maybe then you wouldn't be so angry and bitter....

Shamrock, x


New member
Amy, I clicked on your blog 'cause I wanted to know who you were (there's so many of you that I'm still getting to know). You do not seem to be the same person as your blog. You are so interesting and insightful, and happy-go-lucky. Why are you so bent out of shape over Fred?