Thank you, dear flower child for your concerns!
I'll do what I can to toss those buckets of water out of the boat!!
Technogeek1300, for the record, it is not totally your actions which influenced my decision to be absent from here, though it is a humble thing to accept personal fault, but it is an even braver thing to apologize to those affected, not to those you are being tutored to.
However, having no regret to what you have done, does not seem in conjunction with your apologies. I'm sure you have your pride to guard, and thus will not back down to what you already stand for.
However, in life, like in some forms of martial arts, there is the technique of accepting what comes to you and moving in harmonious flow.
I just hope you can learn soon enough that it is not wise to burn bridges, nor is it wise to make enemies.
Something I don't think enough people see on this board, (and I may even be guilty of this), is that words can sometimes be stronger than anything else. A famous saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" suggests that by tarnishing someones name by word, or writings, it could adversely effect their life. Also, when someone writes, or even says harsh things to someone else (This has happened when my ex-wife called me crude names, or my mother-in-law would blurt out something hurtful), that those words sticks into the memory.
This is probably one reason why there seem to be so many personal attacks going on here, no one seems to realize this fact.