7 months of constant colds - why? what can we do?


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My 12 1/2 year old daughter was diagnosed at birth. She's been on enzymes, Pulmozyme, chest PT, etc., but with that has been remarkably healthy -- her lung function is usually at, or above, predicted, no hospitalizations, no crises. Then, starting this past August, she has had a constant run of colds. Some develop secondary infections, others don't, but she's sick (very stuffy nose, mainly) for 10 to 12 days every month. She has no allergies, no apparent asthma (we're testing for it soon.) She tested positive for pseudemonas for the first time in February, but with Tobi it was erradicated in one month, but she still got another cold after that. The doctor does not think the pseudemonas is the cause of the colds. Has anyone had this experience? Why is she getting sick so often and what can we do to keep her healthy other than isolate her from the world?


New member
Hi Dot's Mom, Have they checked her out for sinus problems? Just a thought to cover that base too. Many CF'ers suffer from sinus problems. Some it doesn't effect until adulthood, some in the their teens and others younger, they're all different. Maybe it's not really a cold. Driainage can cause cause coughing and irritation of the throat. Have em check it out too if they haven't already. Liza


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Hi, My daughter is almost 4 and suffered ear infections, sinus infections and refulx for about a year. She was even on a waiting list for tubes. I changed her diet and it seemed to help her, although the dr's feel it was a coincidence. Anway, as strange as it sounds I removed pork from her diet and she gradually got better and is now symptom free from sinus & ear as well as reflux. We did give her a bit of bacon the other day and the only thing that reoccured was the joint pain. I waited another week tried again and the same thing happened. You would be surprised how much food we eat contains pork (hot dogs, pizza, bacon, ham, spare ribs, etc).I have read that food allergies can clear up after 3-6 months, if you clear the system of that food. I believe that is what happened to her but I will never know for sure. All I know is that if I give her pork then she has knee pain now. The reason I tried pork was because a naturopath gave me a list of food she felt should be taken from her diet. I decided to try one at a time but this was the first one I tried and it made a huge difference for her. I never tried any other foods.She was constantly sick and on antibiotics and now she has had only one cold since November (in Feb.). I think this is remarkeable considering that it was high season for colds and flus. Sorry if this sounds off base but it worked for our daughter. Good luck. I know it is frustrating.


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Hey Dots Mom, I'm 22 wcf. I had kind of the same problem. I developed psuedemonas around that age too I think. I always had a runny nose and ear infections also. At age 13 I had tubes put back in my ears and have had them put in yearly since (had some put in last week). I have a lot of Ear Nose and Throat problems but when I get them taken care of my cough seems to quiet down for a bit. I also have sinusitis and have had the "roto-rooter" surgeries to clean them out but it feels really good once they are clean. This is done because the sinuses can harbor infection and move into the lungs. Keeping it clear has helped my lungs out quite a bit. Maybe talk to your CF doctor about seeing an ENT doctor?? Is your daughter on any nasal sprays?? Salt water washes/sprays helps a lot and a new one call SINOFRESH is great!!Email me if you have questions, Good LuckEmilyletsrockcf@hotmail.com


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My son gets colds ALL the time and when my other kids do get the same thing it doesn't last as long. I didn't understand since CF doesn't lower the immunity system. I knew CF could make it harder for him to get rid of colds but I just found out the reason he gets them all the time is malnourishment, it lowers his immunity. Has she ever been severely under weight? When my son had pseudomonus it was right after being diagnosed and just now after getting rid of it (hopefully forever) He seems to be getting sick less often though!! Good luck!MommyofOzzy2MuchChic2Handle@techemail.com


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My son seems to be getting more colds lately too. i was wondering if maybe he has something in his lungs maybe pseudomonas?? what r the signs when you have somthing growing in your lungs?? just curious.. thanks for any imput... Melissa


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Hi Dots mumhave you thought of reducing her intake of dairy (or cutting it out) and possibly animal products, the fats in these foods can contribute or cause illnesses related to bronchial conditions, sinusitis, amongst other things. It may be worth a try? Has anyone thought of seeing a natural therapist - ie Naturopath, Chinese doctor etc?Cassie from oz


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If you are wondering if he has bacteria in his lungs they can do a culture in his throat and it is likely that if it is growing in the lungs it will show up there. GOOD LUCK!!!


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I'm the mom who started this. Thanks for all of the suggestions. We just found out my daughter has nasal polyps, which may be the cause of the colds. (We're seeing an ENT next week) Also, we are going to see a Naturopath next week to find out what else we can do to keep her well.