A few ???


New member
I have a few issues running through my brain which I know is spured by the potential move to the South.

First ??....does anyone know if there are different strains of MRSA? I know there are different strains of pseudomonas.

Secondly.....for those whose doctors like to do the every 3 month iv maintenance routine, do you have ports? IF so did you get them because of the every 3 months or just because piccs werent an option anymore.

Thirdly.....for those who have moved & took the same insurance with you to a different state (like with retirement), was there issues finding doctors/dentists (I realize this probably depends on the insurance)?

Fourth....has anyone had JUST fluids through their port because for "whatever" reason they were dehydrated?

I am sure I will have more so please tolerate me!


New member
I have a few issues running through my brain which I know is spured by the potential move to the South.

First ??....does anyone know if there are different strains of MRSA? I know there are different strains of pseudomonas.

Secondly.....for those whose doctors like to do the every 3 month iv maintenance routine, do you have ports? IF so did you get them because of the every 3 months or just because piccs werent an option anymore.

Thirdly.....for those who have moved & took the same insurance with you to a different state (like with retirement), was there issues finding doctors/dentists (I realize this probably depends on the insurance)?

Fourth....has anyone had JUST fluids through their port because for "whatever" reason they were dehydrated?

I am sure I will have more so please tolerate me!


New member
I have a few issues running through my brain which I know is spured by the potential move to the South.

First ??....does anyone know if there are different strains of MRSA? I know there are different strains of pseudomonas.

Secondly.....for those whose doctors like to do the every 3 month iv maintenance routine, do you have ports? IF so did you get them because of the every 3 months or just because piccs werent an option anymore.

Thirdly.....for those who have moved & took the same insurance with you to a different state (like with retirement), was there issues finding doctors/dentists (I realize this probably depends on the insurance)?

Fourth....has anyone had JUST fluids through their port because for "whatever" reason they were dehydrated?

I am sure I will have more so please tolerate me!


New member
I have a few issues running through my brain which I know is spured by the potential move to the South.

First ??....does anyone know if there are different strains of MRSA? I know there are different strains of pseudomonas.

Secondly.....for those whose doctors like to do the every 3 month iv maintenance routine, do you have ports? IF so did you get them because of the every 3 months or just because piccs werent an option anymore.

Thirdly.....for those who have moved & took the same insurance with you to a different state (like with retirement), was there issues finding doctors/dentists (I realize this probably depends on the insurance)?

Fourth....has anyone had JUST fluids through their port because for "whatever" reason they were dehydrated?

I am sure I will have more so please tolerate me!


New member
I have a few issues running through my brain which I know is spured by the potential move to the South.
<br />
<br />First ??....does anyone know if there are different strains of MRSA? I know there are different strains of pseudomonas.
<br />
<br />Secondly.....for those whose doctors like to do the every 3 month iv maintenance routine, do you have ports? IF so did you get them because of the every 3 months or just because piccs werent an option anymore.
<br />
<br />Thirdly.....for those who have moved & took the same insurance with you to a different state (like with retirement), was there issues finding doctors/dentists (I realize this probably depends on the insurance)?
<br />
<br />Fourth....has anyone had JUST fluids through their port because for "whatever" reason they were dehydrated?
<br />
<br />I am sure I will have more so please tolerate me!
<br />


New member
First, there are various strains of MRSA, both CA-MRSA, and HA-MRSA. The CDC has quite a bit of info on the various strains identified thus far (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/ar_MRSA_ca_clinicians.html)
</a>Second, I do have a few doctors that urge me to adhere to their preferred maintenace schedule of IV's every 3 months for prevention, and I have a port - currently in the right subcalvian vein. I do not know what I would do without it- I LOVE IT, a picc has not been an option for a while now.
Third, I have nothing to offer on this one!! I have lived in the same state my entire life! My husband is finishing his doctorate soon, his defense date is in June, and he is currently applying for jobs EVERYWHERE, so maybe I will get to escape this place one day!
Fourth, I get just fluids in my port often, I seem to dehydrate very easily.


New member
First, there are various strains of MRSA, both CA-MRSA, and HA-MRSA. The CDC has quite a bit of info on the various strains identified thus far (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/ar_MRSA_ca_clinicians.html)
</a>Second, I do have a few doctors that urge me to adhere to their preferred maintenace schedule of IV's every 3 months for prevention, and I have a port - currently in the right subcalvian vein. I do not know what I would do without it- I LOVE IT, a picc has not been an option for a while now.
Third, I have nothing to offer on this one!! I have lived in the same state my entire life! My husband is finishing his doctorate soon, his defense date is in June, and he is currently applying for jobs EVERYWHERE, so maybe I will get to escape this place one day!
Fourth, I get just fluids in my port often, I seem to dehydrate very easily.


New member
First, there are various strains of MRSA, both CA-MRSA, and HA-MRSA. The CDC has quite a bit of info on the various strains identified thus far (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/ar_MRSA_ca_clinicians.html)
</a>Second, I do have a few doctors that urge me to adhere to their preferred maintenace schedule of IV's every 3 months for prevention, and I have a port - currently in the right subcalvian vein. I do not know what I would do without it- I LOVE IT, a picc has not been an option for a while now.
Third, I have nothing to offer on this one!! I have lived in the same state my entire life! My husband is finishing his doctorate soon, his defense date is in June, and he is currently applying for jobs EVERYWHERE, so maybe I will get to escape this place one day!
Fourth, I get just fluids in my port often, I seem to dehydrate very easily.


New member
First, there are various strains of MRSA, both CA-MRSA, and HA-MRSA. The CDC has quite a bit of info on the various strains identified thus far (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/ar_MRSA_ca_clinicians.html)
</a>Second, I do have a few doctors that urge me to adhere to their preferred maintenace schedule of IV's every 3 months for prevention, and I have a port - currently in the right subcalvian vein. I do not know what I would do without it- I LOVE IT, a picc has not been an option for a while now.
Third, I have nothing to offer on this one!! I have lived in the same state my entire life! My husband is finishing his doctorate soon, his defense date is in June, and he is currently applying for jobs EVERYWHERE, so maybe I will get to escape this place one day!
Fourth, I get just fluids in my port often, I seem to dehydrate very easily.


New member
First, there are various strains of MRSA, both CA-MRSA, and HA-MRSA. The CDC has quite a bit of info on the various strains identified thus far (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/ar_MRSA_ca_clinicians.html)
</a><br />Second, I do have a few doctors that urge me to adhere to their preferred maintenace schedule of IV's every 3 months for prevention, and I have a port - currently in the right subcalvian vein. I do not know what I would do without it- I LOVE IT, a picc has not been an option for a while now.
<br />Third, I have nothing to offer on this one!! I have lived in the same state my entire life! My husband is finishing his doctorate soon, his defense date is in June, and he is currently applying for jobs EVERYWHERE, so maybe I will get to escape this place one day!
<br />Fourth, I get just fluids in my port often, I seem to dehydrate very easily.
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