A hint for making g-button less noticeable


New member
My oldest son who is 12 years old has a g-button and he was always wondering how he could "hide" his button so it isn't noticeable thru his clothes. After doing some checking with other parent's of CFer's and the docs we thought we were stuck with band-aids or ace bandages. My cousin happened to have some Tagaderm film that goes over like a PICC or central line. Mason cut out a piece and put it on his skin over his button and he was so thrilled. I tell him that it is part of who he is and that he just needs to accept it but he thinks he needs to hide it. It sticks good directly on his skin and we even had our pulmonary clinic call a prescription into our home healthcare company and they sent it right out. Just a thought for some of you that may be experiencing what Mason was going thru. Hope this helps....


New member
My oldest son who is 12 years old has a g-button and he was always wondering how he could "hide" his button so it isn't noticeable thru his clothes. After doing some checking with other parent's of CFer's and the docs we thought we were stuck with band-aids or ace bandages. My cousin happened to have some Tagaderm film that goes over like a PICC or central line. Mason cut out a piece and put it on his skin over his button and he was so thrilled. I tell him that it is part of who he is and that he just needs to accept it but he thinks he needs to hide it. It sticks good directly on his skin and we even had our pulmonary clinic call a prescription into our home healthcare company and they sent it right out. Just a thought for some of you that may be experiencing what Mason was going thru. Hope this helps....