Serves 4. Ingredients: one packet puff pastry, 140g/5oz mascarpone, 110g/4oz soft cheese, 50g/2oz caster sugar, three eggs, five Snickers bars, chopped roughly.
Method: 1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F.
2. Roll pastry to 3-4mm thick and use to line a 20cm/8in fluted tart tin.
3. Beat the mascarpone, soft cheese and sugar together in a large bowl, until smooth.
4. Beat in eggs, one at a time.
5. Add the Snickers bars and fold in. 6. Pour into the lined tart tin, and spread to the edges.
7. Place in the oven for ten minutes, then lower to 180C/350F for a further 25 minutes, until golden and set. Allow to cool before serving.
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