a short survey for school: cf and depression


New member
Hey all<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I haven't posted in a while, but I've been coming to the site regularly. It seems to me that there is a strong correlation between chronic illness and depression. For my psychology final we have to do a short oral report and a paper researching something semi-related to psychology. The teacher is pretty leniant. Anyway, here is the survey, please answer even if you don't have cf. I greatly appreciate it.1. Do you have cf (if you answer no, skip to number 4)?2. Do you have any related diseases (like asthma, diabetes, arthritis, etc.) and what are they?3. How were your most recent lung functions?4. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being great, what is your quality of life?5. What sort of things get you down?6. Have you ever had problems with depression?7. Have thoughts of suicide ever crossed your mind?8. Is the glass half full or half empty? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Alright, that's the short survey. Thank you so much for helping me out. I procrastinated, so I would like answers soon if that is possible, and please don't be afraid to answer honestly.Please send answers to: cf_and_depression@hotmail.comThank you again,Nichole19 w/ cf


New member
Nichole-- I have CF and have also experienced depression. however, a history of chemical imbalance runs in my family (i.e. mild manic depression, not the kind of depression that prozac works for) and i think i would be prone to this otherwise. However, CF and a high stress life probably adds to this a lot.1. Do you have cf (if you answer no, skip to number 4)?YES2. Do you have any related diseases (like asthma, diabetes, arthritis, etc.) and what are they?NO3. How were your most recent lung functions?Low, but I am missing my left lower lobe of my lung so even though my FEV1 is about 40% it is probably the eqyuivalent to someone else's 50 or 60%. Still not great.4. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being great, what is your quality of life?Healthwise-7 (in CF terms). I have b. cepacia & low pft's, but lead a normal life and go to school and have no problem getting around. If i didn't have CF my quality of life would be a 10, i like my life, i hate CF.5. What sort of things get you down?Going into the hospital. If i come out of an good, positive doctor's appointment, i am happy for about 3 weeks after that. The entire rest of the time thoughts of my appointment are always in the back of my head like I cant ever relax, and i never really can have a great perfect time because i know my health is always questionable. 6. Have you ever had problems with depression?Yes7. Have thoughts of suicide ever crossed your mind?Never. I probably think about a lot more "heavy" things than a lot of people, but ultimately i think i am a better person because of it...which I am sure a lot of people w/ cf would say. 8. Is the glass half full or half empty? The glass is half full but it definitely could be fuller.