A Spelling Test


New member
I missed three. One because I got cocky and started scanning the page, two that were in error.

judgement and judgment are BOTH accepted spellings according to both the Merriam-Webster and American Heritage dictionaries. I'll check my OED when I get back to school. The same occurred with miniscule and minuscule. So if you are absolutely sure you have spelled something correctly, consult a dictionary for alternate spellings.


New member
I missed three. One because I got cocky and started scanning the page, two that were in error.

judgement and judgment are BOTH accepted spellings according to both the Merriam-Webster and American Heritage dictionaries. I'll check my OED when I get back to school. The same occurred with miniscule and minuscule. So if you are absolutely sure you have spelled something correctly, consult a dictionary for alternate spellings.


New member
Allie, I got those two wrong as well..along with many others.. I ended up with a total of 13 wrong... YIKES .. Spelling is not my thing. I like science so much better...


New member
Allie, I got those two wrong as well..along with many others.. I ended up with a total of 13 wrong... YIKES .. Spelling is not my thing. I like science so much better...


New member
In my opinion, you didn't miss those two. If it's good enough for American Heritage and Merriam-Webster, it's good enough for me.


New member
In my opinion, you didn't miss those two. If it's good enough for American Heritage and Merriam-Webster, it's good enough for me.


New member
Um, I would most certainly point it out to them. Alternate spellings are not WRONG. They are, well, alternate. Color and colour. Both correct. If they ever count it as misspelled, I'd find a dictionary and fight it.


New member
Um, I would most certainly point it out to them. Alternate spellings are not WRONG. They are, well, alternate. Color and colour. Both correct. If they ever count it as misspelled, I'd find a dictionary and fight it.


New member
Oh it didn't count as a grade... If it did, I would have been sure to get them right by studying or something.. It was just a survey for fun to see how well we can/can't spell since spell check came along...



New member
Oh it didn't count as a grade... If it did, I would have been sure to get them right by studying or something.. It was just a survey for fun to see how well we can/can't spell since spell check came along...



New member
GOOD LORD! I got 25! wrong!!! It must be an american/canadian thing, like colour color, stuff like that, I demand a test in Canadian context!


New member
GOOD LORD! I got 25! wrong!!! It must be an american/canadian thing, like colour color, stuff like that, I demand a test in Canadian context!


New member
My daughter is in trouble if she needs my help with spelling....I got 27 wrong. I think its like driving a car. Once you no longer have to listen to the teacher, you develop your own ways! So Chad...I am American, Whats my excuse?!


New member
My daughter is in trouble if she needs my help with spelling....I got 27 wrong. I think its like driving a car. Once you no longer have to listen to the teacher, you develop your own ways! So Chad...I am American, Whats my excuse?!