? about getting baby to gain weight



My 6mo is not gaining weighs less now then at 2mo takes enzymes vitamins consintrated formula. Dr says can't add more formula could cause kidney damage. Is there some thing else 2 do? They don't want me to give him baby food. Has anyone found a fix for this problem? You can see all his bones and we have been to clinic at least once a week for the last 5 weeks.


New member
My cf liitle girl is 7 1/2 months and we started her on babyfood at 6 months and cereal at 4 months. I add salt and a tsp of butter per baby food jar, and add formula to her cereal along with salt and butter too. Maybe start with cereal and add butter to it? She loves it!


New member
I am not following your doctor's advice on not starting baby food. What reason did he/she give you in not starting solids? I am not sure if you are a first time mom or not, but most 6 months old are starting solids. Doctors think they have all of the answers but they are wrong at times. Baby food with extra butter is an excellent way for your baby to get in more calories and fats. Also rice cereal with added butter is a great idea. My pediatrician said start cereal at four months and gradually add different kinds of baby foods. That is consistent with most general guidelines for all babies. It also is important for developmental reason to keep on track for starting solid foods. Some cf babies (such as my own) tend to have eating issues, so any delay in starting solids might cause some difficulty in getting your baby to eat well later.

Have they increased the amount of enzymes?? If you don't already know, you should ask what is the most enzymes that you can give a four month baby. Then make sure your baby is taking a safe but high dosage to make sure he is digesting enough.

Sharon, mom of Sophia, 3 and Jack, 17 months both with cf


Both of my sons have cf they are 26mo and 6mo. The youngest sees a GI dr to. They say he can't handle solids. I started him on them when the ped told me to. But cf clinic said it would make his stomach worse to stop and that the food didn't have enough calories in it. Fixing formula at 30 calories per ounce. Feeding every three hrs day and night.


New member
I always added a teaspoon full of Saffola (pure safflower oil, brand name Saffola) to almost everything our son ate when he was small and increased it as he grew. It is totally tasteless, easiy digestible and 1 Tablespoon full is 100 calories. As your child grows, you can sure sneak in several hundred calories a day...in pudding, in cereal, on spaghetti, mashed potatoes, vegies. Remember, it has NO taste. When our son was about 11 I was managing to put in about 6 or 7 Tablespoons of Saffola day...that's 600 or 700 extra calories. It certainly filled him out!


Thanx for the idea I can do the trick with my oldest son. My baby is not doing well they said they are gonna start tube feeding him if he doesn't gain weight by the 16th. He just keeps losing


New member
Look out for early exposure, we did everything the dr asked adding cereal fats even egg before my sons first birthday. He in now allergies to egg wheat and milk he is 3 try getting a kig to gain wieght when he is on the adkins diet.


New member
We have been adding MCT oil to Mason's formula since he was about 2 months old and it has helped tremendously. At his 4 month check-up yesterday he weighed in at 14 pounds 6 ounces. Our pulmonoligist is the one who told us to use it, and you can find it fairly easily on the net. You might ask your dietician about it.



That is pretty good idea we might have to try it. Right now we are feeding him 164cal per bottle 7-8 times a day. Just added microlipid for extra cals. He hasn't gained but at least he isn't losing still. Yesterday they told me they were stumped about why he isn't gaining. Been going to clinic 2 times a wk for last 7wks. Want to run more test to look for a cause. All the test so far haven't showed anything. Thanx I'll have to ask about the oil.


New member
I also need some tips, for the first time my 22 month old son did not gain any weight in the last 3 months.
He has gained 3 cm's in height however.
I am at a loss as to what else I can do to help him gain, he like most other CF kids eats a lot and all the high calorie stuff as well.
But he is nearly 2 wants to feed himself and be mr independant.
I am hoping that by the next visit this has changed.
Please any ideas on some supplements I can add to help woul dbe muchly appreciated!
Mother to Matt 22mths w/CF


New member
my 6 mth old boy has cf. he got real sick around christmas and lost a pound and a half(which when your only 14 pounds to begin with is a lot). the doctor made us start giving him high calorie formula and feed him more often. he started cereal and baby foods at 4 months like most babies though. the dr made us mix his cereal with apple sauce or bananas straight to thin it out instead of water until its really pasty. i didnt tell my doctor, but i like to mix whole milk in with his cereal or his formula, cuz it has more calories than water. my sister in law got on to me for it, but my older brother was raised on fresh cows milk(which they say is bad) and hes the biggest and healthiest one of us, so i figured whole milk couldnt be worse than that. but my son gained all his weight back and then some. hes a big old chunk now, but thats good so hell have something to fall back on next time hes sick.


New member
I have tried to get my babies(4mths) to eat cereal and they will NOT eat itfor nothing. They make a nasty face and spit it out! I put Vanilla carnacan Instant breakfast in with their formula to add more calories, one babie is kinda looking like a chunk! LOL <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> But hey, I am not complaining, I love it that way!!!

Hope things get better!