About me


New member
<span style=" font-size: x-small;">Hi my name is Khristina. I am
new to the forums. I have been here for a few weeks now but never
introduced myself. I am 31 years old and diagnosed with CF when I
was born. I had a mild case growing up with out many complications
in my teen years, just a few colds here and there. My first
hospitalization was when I was 21. My biggest problem is
hemoptysis, which has been the cause of 98% of my hospitalizations.
From 21 years old up to 29 I was in the hospital quite a bit. I now
have resistant PA. For the past two years my health has leveled out
and I am now only in the hospital on the average of twice a year,
thankfully! I have gained weight and am more active.<br>
But enough on my disease. It is a big part of my life but it
doesn't define me. I was talking about it because I am on a cf
 website, lol.<br>
I have tried to create a blog to introduce myself but it isn't
working so I decided to do it here.<br>
I love animals, nature, my husband Damon, my family. I have three
dogs all labraodor retrievers. One is yellow and two are black.
They are getting old now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">. My husband calls our backyard a doggie
con home LOL!<br>
I have been married since 1998 and met my hubby in 1992. We are
high school sweethearts. He is the love of my life and is very
supportive. We have recently started talking about having a child.
Not sure by what means yet though.<br>
We just purchased a piece of property and are going to build a home
on it soon. We are in the process of selling the one that we are
in. I am very excited about that!!!<br>
Thanks for letting me tell you all about me. I love this website
and all of you! I feel like I have known you all for a long
Khristina 31 yr old cfer


New member
Thanks Khristina for the introduction.  I've seen you post a
few times and it's interesting to know about you.  I am happy
that it sounds like you have a great supportive husband and 3
wonderful dogs to give you lots of love. My name is Michelle and I
am almost 39 with CF.  I joined the forums early this year,
but haven't posted much myself.  I have read what everyone
writes and have learned so much, however.   


New member
Hi Khristina, I've noticed your recent posts. Thanks for sharing a little about yourself. How lucky to be high school sweethearts! Wow. Good luck with your new house endeavours. Sounds very exciting!! I hope to see you more around here. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I hope you enjoy the site, Khristina. I have enjoyed it for over a year now; even though due to various things going on, I have had to "come and go" and post/read when I have time.

I am 37 with a husband, a nearly 18 year old daughter, a dog, and CF. I wasn't diagnosed until last year and have learned so much from this site.

37 w/ CF


New member
As a fellow noobie myself, I was a little overwhelmed at first, but
I soon found my cyber feet. It`s nice to know that when i `m having
a really suck-ass day, there`s a healthy (pun intended) little
on-line community that is chock full of people going through the
same things. Welcome to reality ville, population 3037 and
Vincent, 34 Cfer.


New member
Welcome to the forum!!
It's good to hear about you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Welcome to this great site and thank you for your wonderful bio. Also, thank you for your input on my radio post last week. I have been playing hockey since I was 4 years old. I was one of the first persons with CF in 1987 when I made my college's hockey team. I don't play professional, but have put on a charity hockey game with pro's that I also participated in to raise money for CF. Just like yourself my teens were great and first hospitalization wasn't until I was 26.

Well, welcome again and look forward to more of your brilliant comments,


New member
Welcome Khristina ! Its always good to meet new people. I've seen a few of your posts, so its good to know more about you. Enjoy ! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Welcome so glad you decided to introduce yourself.. I love meeting new ppl and I look forward to getting to know you even more..

Stay long Post Often..



New member
<span style=" font-size: x-small;">Thank you all for the warm
welcome!! You all are very sweet!! I feel at home here. I will be
here as much as I can!<br>
Thanks Scott for telling me about your hockey. Keep up the good
work helping to fight CF. I sure appreciate it!!<br>
See you all around.