Your clinic practices would make me very uncomfortable. Even if they are not accredited by the CFF, it is just plain bad medical practices to not acknowledge that cross contamination is most likely to happen in the hospital/clinic setting (except of course siblings living together or close personal relationships of two people with CF). The basics are:
1) Everybody washes their hands before touching your child
2) All CF patients are to adhere to the "three foot rule" -- don't sit or stand any closer than 3 feet. Definitely do not cough or sneeze on/at each other, shake hands or hug -- better still all CF patients wear a mask until seated in their own private room
3) If possible, don't stay together in the waiting room. Our clinic gives out a pager and you are supposed to take off and wander around elsewhere until your clinic room is available. All pagers are wiped/sprayed clean before handing out to another family.
4) Just generally be careful/aware when you are there. Simple things like bring your own toys/books/CD/DVD players... whatever it is to keep your kid occupied so he/she doesn't play with shared items in a waiting room. Bring your own hand sanitizer and use it frequently.
5) And, yes the room should be wiped/sprayed clean after each visit.