Achromobacter xylosoxidans


New member
My fiance just got his sputum culture results and he cultured Achromobacter xylosoxidans. Has anyone cultured this before, and what was done about it?<br><br>I know this something completely different, however, how often do most of you (adults) have "tune ups"? It has been 6 years since my fiance has been in the hospital and his FEV1 is in the low 60's. That is where they have been for a long time, but I was just curious when people have tune ups. Thanks, I am still getting used to how the CF centers do things.<br>


New member
My fiance just got his sputum culture results and he cultured Achromobacter xylosoxidans. Has anyone cultured this before, and what was done about it?<br><br>I know this something completely different, however, how often do most of you (adults) have "tune ups"? It has been 6 years since my fiance has been in the hospital and his FEV1 is in the low 60's. That is where they have been for a long time, but I was just curious when people have tune ups. Thanks, I am still getting used to how the CF centers do things.<br>


New member
My fiance just got his sputum culture results and he cultured Achromobacter xylosoxidans. Has anyone cultured this before, and what was done about it?<br><br>I know this something completely different, however, how often do most of you (adults) have "tune ups"? It has been 6 years since my fiance has been in the hospital and his FEV1 is in the low 60's. That is where they have been for a long time, but I was just curious when people have tune ups. Thanks, I am still getting used to how the CF centers do things.<br>


New member

I culture Achromobacter frequently. Typically for a tune-up i have to be having symptoms of an exacerbation, not merely culturing stuff. That means when I'm SOB, low-energy, coughing up green goo, etc. My Achromobacter is sensitive to quite a few antibiotics so it's not the worst bug to have out there.



New member

I culture Achromobacter frequently. Typically for a tune-up i have to be having symptoms of an exacerbation, not merely culturing stuff. That means when I'm SOB, low-energy, coughing up green goo, etc. My Achromobacter is sensitive to quite a few antibiotics so it's not the worst bug to have out there.



New member
<br />
<br />I culture Achromobacter frequently. Typically for a tune-up i have to be having symptoms of an exacerbation, not merely culturing stuff. That means when I'm SOB, low-energy, coughing up green goo, etc. My Achromobacter is sensitive to quite a few antibiotics so it's not the worst bug to have out there.
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<br />goodluck!
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New member

I culture Achromobacter frequently. Typically for a tune-up i have to be having symptoms of an exacerbation, not merely culturing stuff. That means when I'm SOB, low-energy, coughing up green goo, etc. My Achromobacter is sensitive to quite a few antibiotics so it's not the worst bug to have out there.



New member

I culture Achromobacter frequently. Typically for a tune-up i have to be having symptoms of an exacerbation, not merely culturing stuff. That means when I'm SOB, low-energy, coughing up green goo, etc. My Achromobacter is sensitive to quite a few antibiotics so it's not the worst bug to have out there.



New member
<br />
<br />I culture Achromobacter frequently. Typically for a tune-up i have to be having symptoms of an exacerbation, not merely culturing stuff. That means when I'm SOB, low-energy, coughing up green goo, etc. My Achromobacter is sensitive to quite a few antibiotics so it's not the worst bug to have out there.
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<br />goodluck!
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