Actions to be taken for a 5 month baby-need help!!!



Hello everybody,

I have a baby 5 months of age having cf,is there any specific action to be done for lungs and other body systems at the beginning in order to eliminate some early risks.

Thanks to everyone.


Hello everybody,

I have a baby 5 months of age having cf,is there any specific action to be done for lungs and other body systems at the beginning in order to eliminate some early risks.

Thanks to everyone.


Hello everybody,
<br />
<br />I have a baby 5 months of age having cf,is there any specific action to be done for lungs and other body systems at the beginning in order to eliminate some early risks.
<br />
<br />Thanks to everyone.


Staff member
With DS we started chest physiotherapy (CPT) and nebulized bronchiodialators (Albuterol/atrovent) a few times a day almost immediately. Didn't have symptoms, but it was to keep his lungs happy and healthy.

He also was put on digestive enzymes as he was pancreatic insufficient and can't digest fats.

He was also on higher calorie formula -- more powder to water ratio to help him gain weight.

He was on vitamin drops formulated for people wcf.

Also, because he went to daycare, his doctor wanted him to get RSV shots during cold and flu season. The synagis shots were once a month from November thru March. As well as a flu shot once he turned 6 months.


Staff member
With DS we started chest physiotherapy (CPT) and nebulized bronchiodialators (Albuterol/atrovent) a few times a day almost immediately. Didn't have symptoms, but it was to keep his lungs happy and healthy.

He also was put on digestive enzymes as he was pancreatic insufficient and can't digest fats.

He was also on higher calorie formula -- more powder to water ratio to help him gain weight.

He was on vitamin drops formulated for people wcf.

Also, because he went to daycare, his doctor wanted him to get RSV shots during cold and flu season. The synagis shots were once a month from November thru March. As well as a flu shot once he turned 6 months.


Staff member
With DS we started chest physiotherapy (CPT) and nebulized bronchiodialators (Albuterol/atrovent) a few times a day almost immediately. Didn't have symptoms, but it was to keep his lungs happy and healthy.
<br />
<br />He also was put on digestive enzymes as he was pancreatic insufficient and can't digest fats.
<br />
<br />He was also on higher calorie formula -- more powder to water ratio to help him gain weight.
<br />
<br />He was on vitamin drops formulated for people wcf.
<br />
<br />Also, because he went to daycare, his doctor wanted him to get RSV shots during cold and flu season. The synagis shots were once a month from November thru March. As well as a flu shot once he turned 6 months.


New member
That is so awesome that you are asking this question now! Being proactive is sooooooo important.

Liza had a lot of good ideas and you can also add the nutritional requirements of extra fat and salt as well as the CF clinic visit requirements of going each quarter and getting all of the proper tests done.

I have several articles for <b>"Caring for Your Infant with CF" </b>on my website including CF & Nutrition, the CFF Health Maintenance Recommendations for infants, Tips for Giving Oral Medications to Babies and Do's and Don'ts for Doing Breathing Treatments with Babies.

Here's the link:<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

Or you can go directly to: and scroll down to "Caring For Your Infant with CF".

Hugs and Hope!


New member
That is so awesome that you are asking this question now! Being proactive is sooooooo important.

Liza had a lot of good ideas and you can also add the nutritional requirements of extra fat and salt as well as the CF clinic visit requirements of going each quarter and getting all of the proper tests done.

I have several articles for <b>"Caring for Your Infant with CF" </b>on my website including CF & Nutrition, the CFF Health Maintenance Recommendations for infants, Tips for Giving Oral Medications to Babies and Do's and Don'ts for Doing Breathing Treatments with Babies.

Here's the link:<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

Or you can go directly to: and scroll down to "Caring For Your Infant with CF".

Hugs and Hope!


New member
That is so awesome that you are asking this question now! Being proactive is sooooooo important.
<br />
<br />Liza had a lot of good ideas and you can also add the nutritional requirements of extra fat and salt as well as the CF clinic visit requirements of going each quarter and getting all of the proper tests done.
<br />
<br />I have several articles for <b>"Caring for Your Infant with CF" </b>on my website including CF & Nutrition, the CFF Health Maintenance Recommendations for infants, Tips for Giving Oral Medications to Babies and Do's and Don'ts for Doing Breathing Treatments with Babies.
<br />
<br />Here's the link:<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
<br />
<br />Or you can go directly to: and scroll down to "Caring For Your Infant with CF".
<br />
<br />Hugs and Hope!


New member
Are you seeing a Cf doctor?

Ditto to the above post. Sounds like a good plan <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)

Hope you get your baby treatments <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">) Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your baby having CF. Hope he/she is doing well. Please ask any questions here!


New member
Are you seeing a Cf doctor?

Ditto to the above post. Sounds like a good plan <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)

Hope you get your baby treatments <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">) Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your baby having CF. Hope he/she is doing well. Please ask any questions here!


New member
Are you seeing a Cf doctor?
<br />
<br />Ditto to the above post. Sounds like a good plan <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)
<br />
<br />Hope you get your baby treatments <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">) Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your baby having CF. Hope he/she is doing well. Please ask any questions here!


Hello again,

We are visiting a cf doctor and test period continues, we are supporting pancreatic enzymes, salt,water and higher calorie formula food. Tomorrow we will go and see our doctor again for a small training for lumb drainage. What i am wondering about is that are there any specific things to do in order to eliminate risks for lumbs and other body systems you can advice regarding your experiences.

Thanks a lot...
Kadri Güben


Hello again,

We are visiting a cf doctor and test period continues, we are supporting pancreatic enzymes, salt,water and higher calorie formula food. Tomorrow we will go and see our doctor again for a small training for lumb drainage. What i am wondering about is that are there any specific things to do in order to eliminate risks for lumbs and other body systems you can advice regarding your experiences.

Thanks a lot...
Kadri Güben


Hello again,
<br />
<br />We are visiting a cf doctor and test period continues, we are supporting pancreatic enzymes, salt,water and higher calorie formula food. Tomorrow we will go and see our doctor again for a small training for lumb drainage. What i am wondering about is that are there any specific things to do in order to eliminate risks for lumbs and other body systems you can advice regarding your experiences.
<br />
<br />Thanks a lot...
<br />Kadri Güben


Staff member
Our primary concern was keeping the lungs healthy. So CPT 3-4 times a day. We also had a rule about handwashing. Anyone wanted to hold the baby, touch the baby they had to wash their hands.

We tried to avoid germs. When we came home, we washed hand. Got to the car from shopping, used hand sanitizer.

Our daycare was great about letting us know what things were going around the center. We were also VERY comfortable with their sanitation practices. DS was in the baby room with 5 other infants and kept away from the germy toddler population.

Avoid smoke --- 2nd & 3rd hand smoke, smokers, fire pits...

CF Doctors appointments 3-4 months in which a throat culture was done to test for any CF bugs. Then treatment accordingly depending upon what, if anything DS grew.


Staff member
Our primary concern was keeping the lungs healthy. So CPT 3-4 times a day. We also had a rule about handwashing. Anyone wanted to hold the baby, touch the baby they had to wash their hands.

We tried to avoid germs. When we came home, we washed hand. Got to the car from shopping, used hand sanitizer.

Our daycare was great about letting us know what things were going around the center. We were also VERY comfortable with their sanitation practices. DS was in the baby room with 5 other infants and kept away from the germy toddler population.

Avoid smoke --- 2nd & 3rd hand smoke, smokers, fire pits...

CF Doctors appointments 3-4 months in which a throat culture was done to test for any CF bugs. Then treatment accordingly depending upon what, if anything DS grew.


Staff member
Our primary concern was keeping the lungs healthy. So CPT 3-4 times a day. We also had a rule about handwashing. Anyone wanted to hold the baby, touch the baby they had to wash their hands.
<br />
<br />We tried to avoid germs. When we came home, we washed hand. Got to the car from shopping, used hand sanitizer.
<br />
<br />Our daycare was great about letting us know what things were going around the center. We were also VERY comfortable with their sanitation practices. DS was in the baby room with 5 other infants and kept away from the germy toddler population.
<br />
<br />Avoid smoke --- 2nd & 3rd hand smoke, smokers, fire pits...
<br />
<br />CF Doctors appointments 3-4 months in which a throat culture was done to test for any CF bugs. Then treatment accordingly depending upon what, if anything DS grew.


Lots of thanks Ratatosk...i will keep tuned to your suggestions...


Lots of thanks Ratatosk...i will keep tuned to your suggestions...