Admin is evil


New member
Hello. I know rider on the horse personally. He said the Admin actually sent him a THREAT AND HATE email after already banning him(and he was just 11 too!). The email said the Admin was logging everything he was doing, and if he tried to get on under alias again, then the Admin would contact the ISP and the FBI! That is the cruelest thing I've ever heard of. Get on the side of rider. He was doing what his religion says to do, and the Admin threatened him! What about FREEDOM OF SPEECH??!!

PS Admin. I've waited for this a long time. Rider didn't want me to do it, but I did it without his knowing. I've finally pulled your pants down.


** User was banned for this post **


New member
Hey, just to let you know, that wasn't the other anonymous user(if that isn't obvious). He was banned. I think he was kind've nerdy too.

PS Admin. No hard feelings. I don't REALLY know rider. I did hear rumors of this sort, but I was sort've making a joke about them. I doubt you'd ever do such a thing.
So sorry if this offends you. I was just making a joke out of retarted rumors from the vulgar.
sorry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
Dude, seriously, you are just going to get in trouble. By writing this stuff, you are not only being disrespectful to the administrator, but also to everyone on this site woh has to cope with cf. Seriously, cut it out.



New member
What on earth does any of what you said have to do with cystic fibrosis??? Its not even relevant! Go away and stop annoying people.

Shamrock, x