Advice PLEASE on FEV1 and FVC


New member
I had my clinic day today and got my FEV1 and FVC results.
 They were 48% and an early 60%, respectively.  I just
wanted to know how this compared, are these results BAD? What are
they supposed be for a person without CF...100%? What's good for a
pwcf? I was shocked...I've always had them done but I'm taking
more responsibility for my health so I'm paying more attention, and
they just seemed low. I just needed some advice to what this means
and can I get them back up? I feel like this disease is getting on
top of me!<br>
Your advice would definitely be appreciated!<br>
In shock,<br>
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0"><br>
19 fwcf


New member
You should probably find out what your previous FEVs have been to really know if that's low or not. For me personally, that would be low because mine are usually in the high 80s and 90s. I know that your FEVs are not great, but that may be your baseline. So probably just ask your doctors what they normally are.


New member

i don't think anyone is going to respond to this and tell you that your numbers are "bad" or "good" because it is very relative. the best thing is for you to compare to what your numbers used to be. if you haven't kept track, ask for the information from your chart from your doctor. they will probably be more than happy that you are taking an active role. i keep a medical journal so that i can keep track of everything.

as for what the numbers mean...they are important but try not to stress if they are not where you want them to be (stress only makes things worse, afterall.) if your numbers are lower than you would like, have you been doing anything differently? slacking on treatments or pills or eating? if none of this has changed (it is perfectly normal for us to slack from time to long as you get back on board and don't let yourself slip too far.) then maybe your body requires more treatment to stay at the level you want. if this is the case, try adding (if you aren't already) exercise to your regular routine; make sure you are eating well; get enough rest and remove as much stress from your life as possible; consider extra vitamins, antioxidants or suppliments; and, if your doctor recommends, think about increasing your treaments or meds.

it is easy to feel overwhelmed with everything--that's why we are here for each other! and doing all it takes to take care of yourself may seem like a super hassle...but you will thank yourself down the road.

good luck!

laura, 27


New member
Are feeling good right now or are you fighting a cold? FEV1s can drop a bit when you're sick too, and then go back up when you have it under control. It's different for everyone. I agree with Sara to find out what your "baseline" has been so you know if you've dropped recently or if you've been at those numbers for a while. Staying consistent in your numbers I think is a good thing so you could find out if you've been there for a while.


New member
thanks for your input, really appreciate it!<br>
Both have dropped +-5% from last time. I have just come off an
infection and waiting for results from sputum, but probably have
another infection... my doc has put me on Ciprobay today.<br>
I want to get them back up... can you, and any advice on how?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>lauren</b></i>

I want to get them back up... can you, and any advice on how?</end quote></div>

Be complient with your treatment and vest (do you have one?) and work your toosh out and exercise as much as humanly possible - cardio of course. You need to work your lungs so they clear up and then your pfts can possibly go up a bit.

horseback riding
field sports
jump rope


New member
No, i don't have vest, we don't get them in South Africa.<br>
I have made a goal to run 10km by December! You are absolutely
correct about exercise, i better get going I don't want CF to get
me down!<br>


New member
Keep in mind numbers are just that, NUMBERS. I mean of course they are a good indication of how things are but as somebody said above, its relative to the person...I was still able to walk a mile a day, five days a week when mine were don't get too focuse or down about them. Its quality of life that matters really...

Shamrock, x


New member
It`s tightly tied in to your height and weight, so it might look
worse than it is, and the other person`s right, your baseline may
be around that mark, and if it doesn`t drag you down too much, no
need to panic.<br>


New member
hi, just wanted to reiterate what Shamrock said, one of the most important things I was told early on was "remember, you are in exactly the same place as you were before you knew". This has been vital to me as my CF has got worse (I am now v poorly with it) because if you were able to go out, walk, swim, whatever before you found out your numbers, all of this is still perfectly possible.

Numbers should always be taken with a pinch of salt, you might do the tests again the next day and they might be different. As far as improving them, what the other said basically, pay rigorous attention to your medication regime, and work out a good exercise plan, (dont push yourself too hard as it can have the oposite effect) and physio physio physio! And then sit back, safe in the knowledge that you are cherishing your health and looking after it to the best of your ability, and go out and live life, and love it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">