After Sinus surgery --a bad smell??


New member
Brady goes back to the ENT doctor tomorrow,which I am glad of. This Monday will be 2 weeks since his sinus/nose polup surgery. The last 2 days when I am near him I can smell the old blood from in his nose. Is this normal??? I am sure I will find out tomorrow. He is not very willing to let us flush his nose out, but we do the best we can. Just wondering.


Step-Mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chromosome 9q deletion q21.2 q22.1


New member
Hey Angie. I think you guys are not only smelling old blood, but also some infection. I know everytime I have sinus surgery I have a gross smell coming from my sinuses (I also have chronic halitosis during the same time) from stirred-up infection in my sinuses.

I do an antibiotic nasal spray that I have made (by prescription) at a local compound pharmacy that seems to help the bad smell.

Hope this helps.


New member
Did your child have drains left in after surgery for you to flush his sinuses (blood/infection) out? Just wondering because I had drains that were left in place for about a week. 4 times a day I had to flush my sinuses with Tobramycin & normal saline.