Age of Diagnoses and Age now


New member
On one of the earlier posts there was a discussion about whether people who lived the longest with CF were the people who were diagnosed at older ages. I was just wondering if those of you who are adults with CF were diagnosed later in life or didn't present the symptoms until later in life. So if you could reply with your age of diagnoses/or age began presenting symptoms and your age now I would appreciate it. I hope this isn't rude to ask, I am just trying to figure some things out and I thought others might want to know as well.


New member
I was diagnosed at age 20

However if it wasn't for idiot doctors who insisted only babies could have that diagnosis as anyone over age 5 with it couldn't possibly be alive I probably would have been diagnosed while still elementary school age


New member
Oh yeah presenting symptoms...chronic lung problems(repeated bronchitis,pneumonia, what was labeled "uncontrollable or brittle asthma"), awful sinus problems with no enviromental allergies, frequent stomachaches etc, tons of mucus,chronic cough. Some of those symptoms were present as a baby, however age 8 was when noticeable and started getting worse


Kait was diagnosed at birth, meconium ileus, at is 9 years old and is doing pretty good with the exception of pneumonia every year for the past 2 yrs.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I was diagnosed at the age of 3 months.

I'm 24 now, and have only been hospitalized once for lung problems - that was at the age of 16.

I'm healthy now, other then CF related Diabetes, and had an embolization two years ago for a bleeding vein in my lungs.