

New member
I have CF and a Teenager, actually now I'm 20 but was curious to know if there is a bad side effect of drinking alcohol with CF. If you know any info on this tell me!


New member
I don't know what you mean by bad side effect? As far as drinking with CF, I've been told by docs it is harder on our liver because our livers are already working hard with the CF, but I've never been told anything else about it.


New member
well I almost always notice a decline in health when ever I have frequent drinks. Don't notice too much with the occassional drink. But its known that alcohol can deplete the body of things we CFers really need anyways such as glutathione and magnesium.



New member
I know that it dehydrates your body which is something CFers have to be careful about because when we are dehydrated it also dehydrates our mucus which makes it harder to move out of our lungs. It also effects the liver like someone else said. I am not positive, but I think hard alcohol is harder on the liver than beer and wine so I guess if you are going to drink dont drink too often and maybe avoid hard alcohol.


New member
I've been drinking since I was 15. Not like a drunk, but when I want to I have a drink. Either way, point being I've never had any huge problem with it and I've never felt sicker after a night out. But yes, it is harder on the liver because of our already existing liver problems.


New member
I have also been told that it dehydrates you and in turn makes your mucus thicker and harder to move. I know that if I get ripped that I am going to have trouble breathing the next day. Just drink lots of water, there is one another thing that works well for me too, is tea. I think the heat from the tea helps loosen the junk up.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
Since Ive had my MANY shares of "nights out" I will say that overall I didnt have any problems drinking nor any side effects afterward...just watch so you dont get dehydrated, and (like anyone) drink in moderation! bc puking is the worst!


New member
Also be careful to pay attention to what meds you are on. I don't drink at all, but I know that alcohol can lessen the effects of some meds, or interact with some meds to produce some unpleasant results.


New member
i like to go out and heve a drink every now and then. i find that if i have a really big night and know that i'm going to suffer the next day i just go home and put water in my feeding machine and let it go while i sleep it off. i feel good when i wake up and i'm not bringing up as much mucus. i know i'm not ment to do it but it's better than a hangover. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">