
New member
I been living with cf all my life. no one in my family has it and i have been really alone. cant talk to no one about it because of the possible judgement and being considered weird. am 18 now and tired of being alone and having no one to talk to about cf.i just want real friends


New member
I been living with cf all my life. no one in my family has it and i have been really alone. cant talk to no one about it because of the possible judgement and being considered weird. am 18 now and tired of being alone and having no one to talk to about cf.i just want real friends


New member
I been living with cf all my life. no one in my family has it and i have been really alone. cant talk to no one about it because of the possible judgement and being considered weird. am 18 now and tired of being alone and having no one to talk to about cf.i just want real friends


New member

Having CF can feel very isolating. I think we all have felt it or feel it a lot. Just know that you have a whole community here who also have CF and feel free to talk to anyone at any time! Everyone on this site is so friendly, feel free to send me a private message if you would like to talk more. I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way.


New member

Having CF can feel very isolating. I think we all have felt it or feel it a lot. Just know that you have a whole community here who also have CF and feel free to talk to anyone at any time! Everyone on this site is so friendly, feel free to send me a private message if you would like to talk more. I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way.


New member
<br />
<br />Having CF can feel very isolating. I think we all have felt it or feel it a lot. Just know that you have a whole community here who also have CF and feel free to talk to anyone at any time! Everyone on this site is so friendly, feel free to send me a private message if you would like to talk more. I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way.


New member
Hi, I'm 19 and have CF. I've had those feelings of isolation before. I sometimes have them now.
As you may have guessed from my username I also have albinism. I doubt I'll ever meet anyone with both.

One thing that has helped me is my friends, it can be hard to explain something like CF to people who know nothing about it but don't be too quick to judge your peers, who knows there could be a totally understanding person right under your nose, just waiting for you to open up to them.


New member
Hi, I'm 19 and have CF. I've had those feelings of isolation before. I sometimes have them now.
As you may have guessed from my username I also have albinism. I doubt I'll ever meet anyone with both.

One thing that has helped me is my friends, it can be hard to explain something like CF to people who know nothing about it but don't be too quick to judge your peers, who knows there could be a totally understanding person right under your nose, just waiting for you to open up to them.


New member
Hi, I'm 19 and have CF. I've had those feelings of isolation before. I sometimes have them now.
<br />As you may have guessed from my username I also have albinism. I doubt I'll ever meet anyone with both.
<br />
<br />One thing that has helped me is my friends, it can be hard to explain something like CF to people who know nothing about it but don't be too quick to judge your peers, who knows there could be a totally understanding person right under your nose, just waiting for you to open up to them.


New member
I know that having CF can make you feel alone at times and those are the times that we need to open up and talk about it most, whether it be to a fellow CFer or a close friend.

I have a friend who doesn't have CF and I met in HS, she's been there for me thru thick and thin. She brought me clothes and food when I was hospitalized, my CF nurse even taught her how to access my port. She's even put up with my anger issues from waiting for transplant so long the FIRST time and now she's putting up with it again. She knows that a lot of times I just need someone to listen, no advice needed.

I've even had my best friend from childhood, who I havent seen in ten years offer to give me one of her lungs. Not on a whim either, she actually talked it over with her husband.

What I'm trying to say here is that I agree with krisgabes and albino15. You will find so many friendly people to talk to here and that will listen to you and KNOW exactly what you are experiencing. Also, there could be a friend like one of mine right there under your nose, try opening up a little bit, maybe it will help?


New member
I know that having CF can make you feel alone at times and those are the times that we need to open up and talk about it most, whether it be to a fellow CFer or a close friend.

I have a friend who doesn't have CF and I met in HS, she's been there for me thru thick and thin. She brought me clothes and food when I was hospitalized, my CF nurse even taught her how to access my port. She's even put up with my anger issues from waiting for transplant so long the FIRST time and now she's putting up with it again. She knows that a lot of times I just need someone to listen, no advice needed.

I've even had my best friend from childhood, who I havent seen in ten years offer to give me one of her lungs. Not on a whim either, she actually talked it over with her husband.

What I'm trying to say here is that I agree with krisgabes and albino15. You will find so many friendly people to talk to here and that will listen to you and KNOW exactly what you are experiencing. Also, there could be a friend like one of mine right there under your nose, try opening up a little bit, maybe it will help?


New member
I know that having CF can make you feel alone at times and those are the times that we need to open up and talk about it most, whether it be to a fellow CFer or a close friend.
<br />
<br />I have a friend who doesn't have CF and I met in HS, she's been there for me thru thick and thin. She brought me clothes and food when I was hospitalized, my CF nurse even taught her how to access my port. She's even put up with my anger issues from waiting for transplant so long the FIRST time and now she's putting up with it again. She knows that a lot of times I just need someone to listen, no advice needed.
<br />
<br />I've even had my best friend from childhood, who I havent seen in ten years offer to give me one of her lungs. Not on a whim either, she actually talked it over with her husband.
<br />
<br />What I'm trying to say here is that I agree with krisgabes and albino15. You will find so many friendly people to talk to here and that will listen to you and KNOW exactly what you are experiencing. Also, there could be a friend like one of mine right there under your nose, try opening up a little bit, maybe it will help?


New member
I know what you mean. I love all my friends to death, but there are just some things they can't understand, no matter how much they want to. They're always there to listen to me, and that helps, but sometimes it's nice to just have someone *get it.*

I'm lucky enough to have found a friend that, while he doesn't have cf (he has terminal cancer), he knows what I mean when I complain about hospital stays, or, as we call it, when we've had a "red light day." Just a day where everything wasn't going right.

This site has also really helped me. I may not actively participate much, but I read what people say and it just helps knowing there's at least one other person that gets it.


New member
I know what you mean. I love all my friends to death, but there are just some things they can't understand, no matter how much they want to. They're always there to listen to me, and that helps, but sometimes it's nice to just have someone *get it.*

I'm lucky enough to have found a friend that, while he doesn't have cf (he has terminal cancer), he knows what I mean when I complain about hospital stays, or, as we call it, when we've had a "red light day." Just a day where everything wasn't going right.

This site has also really helped me. I may not actively participate much, but I read what people say and it just helps knowing there's at least one other person that gets it.


New member
I know what you mean. I love all my friends to death, but there are just some things they can't understand, no matter how much they want to. They're always there to listen to me, and that helps, but sometimes it's nice to just have someone *get it.*
<br />
<br />I'm lucky enough to have found a friend that, while he doesn't have cf (he has terminal cancer), he knows what I mean when I complain about hospital stays, or, as we call it, when we've had a "red light day." Just a day where everything wasn't going right.
<br />
<br />This site has also really helped me. I may not actively participate much, but I read what people say and it just helps knowing there's at least one other person that gets it.


New member
Hi, I'm 16 and I feel exactly the same in all my life I've never met anyone with CF or anything like it and so it would be great if some one added me on facebook or something so I could talk to someone who understands and I would also like to see how other Cf sufferers live with it, Regards Josh<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, I'm 16 and I feel exactly the same in all my life I've never met anyone with CF or anything like it and so it would be great if some one added me on facebook or something so I could talk to someone who understands and I would also like to see how other Cf sufferers live with it, Regards Josh<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, I'm 16 and I feel exactly the same in all my life I've never met anyone with CF or anything like it and so it would be great if some one added me on facebook or something so I could talk to someone who understands and I would also like to see how other Cf sufferers live with it, Regards Josh<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
ohhh jeez. i know this. i have this one friend, and she's really amazing...only downfall is that she gets sick alot, and has a weak immune system. i'm always the one comforting her, and when i tell her about my cf problems, yeah she cares, but it feels like her 'advice' is just giving me reasons why i shouldn't be 'complaining'. she's great, and super fun to be with, but she has the 'poor me' complex, and people with cf are usually very capable of not complaining too much and dealing with extra crap simply cause we deal with it every day, so having a friend like that is a bit hard to work around. just find some people who truly care about you, and who you can confide in as well. a true relationship is not one where a person depends on another, but one where both can help/hold each others problems equally. that's why this site is great- people get it :3 best of luck~


New member
ohhh jeez. i know this. i have this one friend, and she's really amazing...only downfall is that she gets sick alot, and has a weak immune system. i'm always the one comforting her, and when i tell her about my cf problems, yeah she cares, but it feels like her 'advice' is just giving me reasons why i shouldn't be 'complaining'. she's great, and super fun to be with, but she has the 'poor me' complex, and people with cf are usually very capable of not complaining too much and dealing with extra crap simply cause we deal with it every day, so having a friend like that is a bit hard to work around. just find some people who truly care about you, and who you can confide in as well. a true relationship is not one where a person depends on another, but one where both can help/hold each others problems equally. that's why this site is great- people get it :3 best of luck~