Am i stupid?


New member

i was just wondering if anyone that has c.f or dont when they are in a wheel chair because they find it hard to walk far, they get treated as if they were stupid?

today i was in a wheelchair and i was treated as if i was stupid and everyone looked at me as if i was an alien does anyone else get this?

helen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
I got that look when we rented a wheelchair in Orland, FLorida. All of us used it at some point, but it was mainly for me. The looks could stop you dead in mid spin on the wheels. Like so much of CF they are probably wondering what the heck is wrong with you & since there isnt any "obvious" signs that must mean you are mentally handicapped or something. I know its upsetting/frustrating, but just remember where its coming from.


Maybe one remedy to their stare is to cause their jaw to hit the ground by staggering your way to stand up, then yell "I'm cured! I can walk, again!"
But, I agreee with the wheelchair bit. Sometimes I wish there was one available when my knees are so sore I can't stand, but then the idea of having so many "rude" people stare gives an added feeling of discomfort.
Even the few times when I was discharged from the hospital, being rolled out in a wheelchair because it is thier policy gives me an uncomfortable feeling, because I can certainly walk out of the hospital on my own.
On the contrary, it seems carrying a walking stick gives less stares, and I may one day need one of those!


New member
people did stare when we rented one for a nascar race. but over all people where really nice to me. moved out of the way, talked to me, helped me out, said excuse me when they thought they jumped in line or blocked my view. it was kinda nice. but i felt like it was out of pity. but i'm sure it didnt look too good when i got up and walked up 6 steps to go into the port-a-john bathroom trailor. haha.

but i did feel like every single person was looking at me. it felt so weird. As JazzysMom said, you dont look sick. so people will stare. which i hated. It was upsetting/frustrating. I get the same looks when I get out of my car when i use my handycap sign on a bad breathing day. specially from old grandmas. hehe.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>littlehelen</b></i>


i was just wondering if anyone that has c.f or dont when they are in a wheel chair because they find it hard to walk far, they get treated as if they were stupid?

today i was in a wheelchair and i was treated as if i was stupid and everyone looked at me as if i was an alien does anyone else get this?

helen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Hey Helen

You're not stupid at all. The only ones that are stupid are the people that stare. Shame on them I say.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
Hi Helen,
I am waiting 4 a transplant and my legs hurt from walking just a little bit since I haven't been exercising very much. I also get out of breath fast so I have been using a wheelchair for a while now. So yes I have people staring at me everwhere I go! I wear oxygen to so that doesn't help much. I just want to belt out and say "what are you looking at!" But thats a little to off the top. haha. So like Charlotte says their the ones who are stupid! we can't help it but they can with not looking our way!

Amber/ turning 15 in August,yeah!



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>beautifulsoul</b></i>

Hi Helen,

I am waiting 4 a transplant and my legs hurt from walking just a little bit since I haven't been exercising very much. I also get out of breath fast so I have been using a wheelchair for a while now. So yes I have people staring at me everwhere I go! I wear oxygen to so that doesn't help much. I just want to belt out and say "what are you looking at!" But thats a little to off the top. haha. So like Charlotte says their the ones who are stupid! we can't help it but they can with not looking our way!


Amber/ turning 15 in August,yeah!

Hi Amber

I don't think it's a little too off the top. Don't blame you for not saying it though, sometimes it just isn't worth it. I admire you for being so strong. When we took our daughter to the CF Clinic last month, there was a little girl there wearing oxygen and I didn't think anything of it. Probably because we are living with CF and know exactly how sensitive things are. Like I said, it's their problem if they stare at you, not yours. You have as much right as them to go around without being stared at.

Take care.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

w/CF/CFRD</end quote></div>


New member

in reply to my question as asoon as i read it i though of when me and my mates went out for lunch and we went into the restaurant and everyoone looked at me!! so i stood up out of the wheelchair and my mates looked at me in amazement and said "helen your legs!! you can walk again!!" you should have seen everyones face i just wish i had a camera with me!!

but i still just wish that people didnt jump to the wrong conclusions all the time its so annoying.

Helen x <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> x


New member
I have been in a wheelchair before when I was in the hospital and I didnt like same with me everyone was staring at me and I didnt like it it was embarrising <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> I wanted to hide under a blanket or something hehehe lol


New member
nah it int a nice feeling bein in a wheelchair and feeling u have to hide because ppl stare at you

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> helen


New member
I just think that some people will look at others in wheel chairs just because they do not want to be rude and ignore you. When I see someone in a wheel chair, I say hello just as I would see another person standing I would say hello. For the people who stare with a blank face that is just stupid and rude. That calls for a blank stare too. These days it is best not to start up with the crazy people out there. I would just be happy that people are not saying anything. Who wants to talk to stupid people anyway. If you feel uncomfortable do not look at other people. Stay focused on yourself.

For those waiting for a transplant is so important to exercise by walking in place each and everyday or walking slowly on a treadmill. You will do much better after the transplant. If you can do chest exercises with light weights or using a stretchy band that will help build up your breathing muscles so you can cough better and also perhaps come off the ventilator quicker.

take care


New member
My neice is 15yrs old and living with CF. She wears oxygen 24/7 and uses a wheel chair all the time when going out. I'm sure she notices people staring because I do and it really makes me upset. Believe it or not its mainly the adults, not children, doing all the staring and "stupid looks". I do not think it bothers her much anymore for she knows that people stare because of there own ignorance not hers.. so keep that in mind the next time you get that "stupid" stare. I feel sorry for the person staring not the person they are staring at!
One year she dressed up as an elder lady for Halloween. It fit perfect with her wheel chair and oxygen. Very cute and creative idea don't you think?!!...


New member
yeah i thinks thats such a good idea to dress up as an old lady!!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> thankis for your in put <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



Super Moderator
that anonymouns was my aunt so that was me as the old lady! When I went to door to door people would laugh and say "good costume!" So the wheelchair and oxygen comes in handy on Halloween! I had tons of candy! I think some people gave me more than 1 piece!

Amber/turning 15 in August,yeah!



New member
o right kool thats was a good idea beautifulsoul i might have to try that at some point if it means you get more candy lol i love candy.

Did anyone make a comment about the oxygen?



Super Moderator
I don't really remember if people noticed or not. If I can't remember, then I'm sure people probably didn't say anything. They were probably more focused on the costume(wig,glasses,wheelchair etc.)

Amber/turning 15 in August,yeah!



New member
o rite i just wondered if anyone said anything cos most people do have something to say or they just stare at you all the time.

most of the time if i am in a wheelchair cos im haveing a bad day i always get the impression that they think that im being lazy cos shes young she should be walking everywhere etc.
