Amazing story

This is an amazing story. While this topic is not related to CF, it is related to your life, which CF affects. As a Christian, I feel it is my duty to share the gospel with those here who may be lost. Jesus, the Son of God, was prophecied of many years before His birth. He was(and is) God, and became a man. As a man, He suffered many things, and ultimately was nailed savagely to a cross. He did it for you. For me. For everyone. Three days later, a miracle happened. While His dead body lay in the tomb, God raised Him from the dead. He appeared to many people, and ultimately He rose into the sky, and a cloud hid Him. He's coming back, and it could be very soon. Perhaps before you finish reading this. The question is, are you ready? He will come like a thief in the night. If you are ready, ask Him to forgive you your sins, and to give you a new heart. Then, try to hook up with some older believers. Are you ready?
In Christ,


New member
Wow...I have never seen that done before in the years I have been on this board...I myself am to chicken to do what you just did. You are a great witness.

Jesus came for us sinners, He died as a ultimate sacrafice for you and me. His blood was shed so that those of us who believe in Him shall be saved from the depths of hell....All He asks of us is to repent (ask for forgiveness of our sins) and to accept Him into our hearts....that simple, no strings attachted, all you have to do is ask and have faith.


New member
rideronthewhitehorse, I'm curious to know what you think happens to those who dont believe in Chrisian God that you do when they die?
What "variety" of christian are you and what do you think happens to all other christians, muslims, budists, hindu peoples of the world?


Hello Still Loving Your topics

I believe that there will be different denominations in Heaven! I believe that no matter what your denomination is as long as you believe that The One and Only Jesus Christ ( there is only One God ) died and rose again for ours sins., and if you have personally accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior then we shall go to Heaven. I am a Baptist and curious to know your denomination.

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay so I have to ask. Does that mean all Jewish people are going to hell, hmm? Last I checked, they didn't believe in Jesus.


The Jewish people were Gods chosen people but they turned their backs and didnt believe. There are Jewish people that do beleive in Christ!!!!! John 3:36 " He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life;and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. Matthew 10:32 Whosoever thereore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men ,him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven.
I am reading out of the King James Bible

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
lol... I'm sure Jews everywhere will be very pleased to hear that you think all those that don't believe in Jesus are going to hell.


Hello again

I did not reply with what i think but with what Gods Word says. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


New member
Religion, not all of us will agree on this. It is everyones choice. I have friends that are jewish, catholic, baptist, etc........... Not once have we looked at each other, and let religion come between us. It is what you call respect! We ask each other questions about our religions, and we learn about others. I would not want any one disrespecting my religion, because then that is disrespecting my parents, especially my mom! I might not agree with all religions, but that is why they have different ones, it is your choice, and you shouldnt be judged by it. Look at the person! My friends who are jewish, are 2 of the nicest people you would meet. 2 of my other friends are catholic. This is a sore subject with a lot of people. By the way I am baptist, my boyfriend, with cf is lutherian!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Scorpian 3200 St Louis
Okay, seriously, all of this talk about religion needs to just STOP! I got tricked into coming to this thread because I thought it was really going to be about some "amazing story" (maybe a cure for CF or something, although I wasn't holding my breath). But NO, I think I got my dose of church instead!
In answer to your questions, I am a baptist, and I believe whoever dies without Christ, and has been given a chance to accept Him, but has rejected Him, will go to hell.
In Christ,


Hello you know i think that everyone is being a little to harsh on rideronthewhitehorse, and it is everyones jobs as Christians to witness to others. I am not here to offend others and certainly not judge others, Since i am not God and do not know the hearts of others i cant say or think who is going to hell or not!!! I do know that i have friends that are from different denominations as well. and we get along just fine, and yes they do know my beliefs, like i said before my 8 year old witnesses too and i can't wait to be standing next to her on judgement day, to hear my Father say WELL DONE!!!!!!

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I cannot wait to tell all my friends (Dorothy, Abby, Jason, Jake, Dan, Merrill, Brendan, Zach, Harrison, Steph, Steve, Victoria, should I go on?) that despite being good hearted, kind, funny, smart, loving people that they are going to burn in Hell for being Jewish. If this is your belief, than you believe that 100% decent, good people are going to hell for all time-- to me, who is incredibly close with Jewish people, it is absurd


New member
we are asking rideonthewhitehorse not to do so though. I suppose, on their own Posted subject it is just fine, but they are hyjacking a lot of other posts on this website, turning them into some sort of religions rant and rave and causing a lot of frustration among regular posters (both religious and not) on this site.

If somebody is making it clear they don't want to be preached to, they should have to be if they have nicely requested it. We have suggested other options for this person but they don't seem to be considerate of others requests. The responses to rideonthewhitehorse are just going to get harsher and harsher if they don't back off on other posts about the religion.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF and a christian, but it's all about RESPECTING others wishes after you have tried)