another question


New member
I have been wondering... For the past month (since we 1st saw the allergy specialist) Maxwell has been doing "sinus flushes" 2 times a day. We have noticed that one sinus has about 1/2 clearance (the other is still blocked). However, it sounds like the build up has relocated. He has been coughing a litle more especially when doing physical play or raising voice. He also has a curtailed sound when he speaks. I haven't mentioned it to the Dr. because he is already getting adjetated with me and I don't want him to drop us. Should I be concerned or not yet?

BTW for all of you that have been following what is going on with us this is Maxwell. If the picture shows up.


New member
I dont have any sinuses issues, but I do have allergies. It sounds like what has is not longer clogged is moved. The other side might be a bit worse & might need more time or something stronger. Its important that he cough as much up. If its draining or shifting down into his lungs, he needs to get that up!


New member
I do not have sinuses issues either but if you are concerned then make an appointment to have Maxwell seen. Even if the doctor does not think it is necessary do it anyway. Better safe than sorry. I hope his problem clears up soon and may I say that he is an absolute cutie! Who could resist that child anything?


New member
if your doc is getting upset at you for asking too many questions or "bothering" him, drop him.

sounds like an awful doc to me.