New member
Ok so my 6 month old son with cf had a bronchoscope done last monday (a week ago). It was all clear. He had been sick for over 2 months. They had tried 2 different antibiotics for the cold he had. He was really congested, cough, and sometimes would run a low fever. Well the week before this procedure they stopped his antibiotics to prepare for the test. His symtoms stopped, he was actually doing really good when we went to the hospital for the bronch. That day he started to cough. He was expected to do so after the bronch but it has still been going on a week later now.( oh and he has runny/stuffy noise at times) I called the cf doc and he says its not from the procedure and that we needed to start him on antibiotics to treat it. He says anytime a cfer has a cough for more than 5-7 days then they need to be started on antibiotics. My friend says it will weaken his immune system if we keep putting him on meds everytime he has a cold. So my question is does anyone else get meds after a week of a cold and should he be getting them with every cold? Does it make them more resistant to meds later?