I don't know how to start this off. My name is Nicole and my boyfriend has CF. He is 27 years old and has known about it all his life. We've been together for almost a year now and I went into the relationship knowing that he had CF and I did a lot of research before hand. I have a lot of questions though. He is currently not very happy with his Doctor. We live in Michigan and are looking for a different doctor than the people in Grand Rapids. Any suggestions? Also, I would like any advice on how I can help him. I kind of feel helpless even though he tells me all the time that I do enough for him. I just want to be supportive and I want him to know that it's going to take a lot more than cystic fibrosis to get rid of me. The last time he went into the hospital for his "tune up" as he calls them, his ex-wife found a new boyfriend. Good for me, bad for him! So can anyone give me some advice and suggest a good Michigan based doctor?