Any blogs covering NACFC (CF conference)?


Super Moderator
Last a few folks were writing/blogging about various details at the North America Cystic Fibrosis Conference. It started today and I was wondering if anyone knows of anyone blogging and the links?


Super Moderator
Last a few folks were writing/blogging about various details at the North America Cystic Fibrosis Conference. It started today and I was wondering if anyone knows of anyone blogging and the links?

So, not a blog, but I just stumbled across a FB page called CFAware that seems to be posting updates from the conference and has videos from some of yesterday's sessions available to watch. I didn't try to watch it yet, as I'm on my way out the door, so not exactly sure what it is, but thought I'd post in case anyone wanted to check it out!

Take care,

Autumn 33 w/cf