any one u know die of cf


New member
i had a friend of mine die of cf a wile ago he was only 15 his name was andy
tell me about some of your friends


New member
I had a friend pass away from CF when we were both 7, I've also had friends pass away at the age of 20, 22 and 23. My cousin also passed away from CF when she was 19 and I was 22.


New member
As a child CFers were able to room together. I developed 2 great relationships. One with a girl named Caroline & another with a boy named Jesus. Both sadly passed in early teens. I met another young lady in my teens & she was in college who has also passed. I didnt make any further effort to meet or get to know other CFers until this forum. One reason was the worries of cross contamination that didnt exist as a child & another reason was it was a rude reminder of what my future can bring. Now that I am older & have come here as well as reentered the "CFer friendship zone" I have seen or heard of more people passing. It makes me sad that another life is lost, but it doesnt upset me about my own morality like it use to!


New member
I was only 9 years old when one of my best friends with cf passed away at the same age of only 9. Then when I was in my early 20's and again 2 more friends who were sick most of there lives at ages 32 & 40. That was 10 years ago and the 32 & 40 year olds were brothers who both passed away in 1996.

For me, I just try to remember how lucky I am to still be alive. And how much I need to take advantage of this time with my wife, daughter family and friends.

Great question,


Digital opinion leader
I know several people who have lost their battle with CF. My children however, don't know anyone. It is such a shame that pwcf must be so isolated now. Its important for us all to see the whole picture, it helps us respect the fight.

My first contact with a CFer was in my classroom at school. I had a girl in study hall named Laurie who was extremely thin and petite. She brought bags of candy to school every day, and shared them with friends. I enjoyed her because she was a giggler and a chatterbox- always laughing. She told me she had CF, but I didn't really know what it meant. The funny thing was, I was pregnant with Josh at the time. When he was diagnosed, I remembered Laurie's joyful nature and I was grateful to have had her as an example.


New member
My Oldest Brother Franky passed back in 72
with Cf, he was 27, I am sure if the treatments
and meds we have today were around, He would
still be with us. He was pretty tough.

His Birthday was Aug. 1st.


New member
I had a friend named Kenny when I was very young back when CFers were allowed near each other. He was much older than me, I think I was 3 and he was 13 or so. He didnt have any siblings, so I was the little sister he didn't have. He passed away at 19 yrs old (about 10+ yrs ago). I also had a friend named Dana, who passed away Oct 05 at the age of 23.


New member
yea my nieghbor derik died from cf he was around 38-43 years old........miss him dearly although i dont have cf it's a touchy subject cuz my friend at school has it.


New member
I have had several friends die with this disease.

The first: I was 7 - she was 10.
The second: I was 8 - she was 12.
The third: I was 16 - he was 13.
The fourth: I was 19 - he was 16.
The fifth: I was 22 - she was 21.

There were also twin adults (both male) I knew that passed with CF - I was so young though I wouldn't consider them friends really. They passed at 32 and 36 I was still in my early-mid teens.

There have been several people to pass on this site since I started coming here, but I have not been fortunate enough to know them well or much at all. All of the people mentioned above I have known and met in person before the worries of cross contamination - when we were still allowed to share rooms at the hospital and such.



My son was diagnosed with CF @ 3 mo. and we met a nurse at our
hospital with CF she helped us a lot  to accept his dx and to
see he could have a full life. She was a dancer, a runner. She was
27 when she passed away a few years ago. She lived a full life in
that short  time. They have so many new treatments I hope Sam
will live to be 100. I can't wait to see what he will be "when
he grows up". But  if  he only makes to 36.5 years I
want him to have lived 100 years in that time.


New member
I know someone who has passed away from cf. My sister Dody passed away when she was 16. She had a double lung transplant when she was 12. She passed away when I was 11 and it hit me pretty hard. I hope you do good in life and will pray for anyone whom has cf for the rest of my life.

God bless