Hi! My son was cleared of having CF last spring after Genzyme amplified genetic testing came up finding no mutations. He had a borerline/positive sweat test and failure to thrive which prompted the CF testing last winter. We were very relieved to find out he did not have CF; however, he now has pneumonia in both lungs all over the place. He is not sick otherwise, just sounds horrible. Both the DR. and NP said his lungs sound like "CF lungs." He is on his second round of anitbiotics and is on zithromax now. I am worried that won't be enough and if his lungs don't clear up with that, what is next? I can't help but wonder if he still might have CF having this lung problem. I mean regular kids get pneumonia in some places in their lungs, but his lungs are sooo involved, how common is that in regular kids? Does anyone have a child diagnosed with CF that do not have any gene mutations?