Anyone else ever feel like....


New member
People are trying to compete with your story on who is sicker? It seems that certain people who always ask me how I am are always following their question with a story of how sick they have been. I understand other people are sick too, but I by no means ever try to think that mine "out does" theirs. This one aunt always tells me about how she gets the flu every year and it always about kills her. Then she goes on to say it is the WORST case her doctor has ever seen, like I am supposed to be impressed. Just curious if anyone else has this type thing happen to them.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
I have a friend like that. I don't talk to her much because you get tired "of the poor me" stuff. She always feels worse or has something worse going on in her life. Sometimes you just need to listen and nod your head. After a while you run out of advice. You know. HeeHee. Becky in mich


New member
I can't help but laugh at people like that...If you have a broken arm, they tell you about one time when they broke their arm in seventeen different places, you get in a car accident, and they just have to tell you about the time that they get hit by nine drunk drivers all at the same time and the doctors didn't understand how they had lived. It is amazing how all of the miracles of medicine happen to these few individuals. I have to laugh about it or I would just become frustrated and wanna scream.


New member
My mother-in-law is one of those and it really frosts my husband and I. No matter what is going on in our lives (or anyone elses for that matter), she has to "one-up" it. She does this with just about everything but particularly about health related issues. According to her, she's had just about everything ever possible wrong with her. In fact, after Sean was diagnosed with CF she actually went so far as to be tested herself. Of course, she was well into her 40's by then, way overweight, and she'd smoked since she was in her teens; obviously all the classic signs of someone who has CF, NOT!!! I was sooooooo embarassed when she actually told our CF Dr. about this. Our CF Dr. couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Just one more...

Recently my husband was diagnosed with a herniated disk in his back. The pain has been unbelievable and quite debilitating. Anyway, when my husband told his mother about the diagnosis, she proceeds to tell him that she knows exactly what it's like because she has a deteriorating disk. Of course, my husband, keenly aware of what kind of pain he's been in, can't believe that this woman sitting in a recliner with her legs propped up and crossed (a major No No for anyone with back problems) can actually say this with a straight face.

I've got tons of these (Fibromialgia, TMJ, asthma, RSD, sleep apnea, nerve damage, spastic bladder, etc...) but I'll spare you.

I think the saddest thing about it, really, is that she's a health care professional. Obviously some issues.


Has anyone ever seen the recurring skits on Sat. Night Live with "Debbie Downer"? They're all about someone just like this! Coll & I now refer to people who do this as "Debbie Downers".

Have a good Friday,


New member
I love the Debbie Downer skits!!! She reminds me of several people that I know. She makes even the most enjoyable experience depressing with her lovely comments. "Well, it's official. My doctor said.......(insert any medical problem). There is a lady at my church who does this every time I see her. There is always a new ailment she has or thinks she has, and describes it in detail. I was a pretty sick kid. I don't have CF, my son does, I have a serious digestive disease. This woman was compelled to discuss her digestive issues with me, including her bowel movements and hemmorhoids!! I guess she thought I could relate and that I wouldn't get grossed out; she was wrong.
I went to church on Sunday right after my son was diagnosed (I needed some spiritual comfort) and really didn't want to talk to anyone. I barely made it through the door and the same lady ran up to me and said she did some "research" on CF. She was convinced her daughter had it and that she was a symptomatic carrier. I was visibly upset and wanted her to go away, but then she informed me that my son could always have a lung transplant, and that at least I didn't have to worry about my son becoming overweight or have high blood pressure. I was horrified and walked out. People can be so tactless and disrespectful.


New member
My MIL is SUCH a Debbie Downer!! She is also a hypochondriac (go figure!). Just after our dd was diagnosed with CF, she came to one of the clinic appts with us to learn more about CF, treatments, etc. Weeeelll, it was SO embarassing when unbeknownst (don't think I spelled that right!) to us, she was thinking that she must have CF too. She was giving all of her symptoms to our dd's pulmonologist and telling how her father must have had it too bc he had these symptoms also so her dad passed it on to her and she passed on the carrier gene to my dh and so on.... our doctor was really nice to her about it and explained how it really was not likely etc. We rarely call the IL's after my daughter's appts, we just email them bc if we call then we will get to hear all about how either MIL is SO SICK (but not too sick to run all over the place, camp, fish, etc!) or how someone else is sick, there is ALWAYS something with her.


New member
My stepmother is much the same and I get so tired of listening to her, I would go so far as to say I hate listening to her. My son passed away in May of this year and just a couple of days later all I hear is about her poor leg and how it bothers her and what surgery she has to have done. If only I had the nerve to say "get off your fat a** and lose some weight and your problems would be gone"

Another time at work, this guy was moaning and groaning about his poor stuffy nose from a cold, I'd had enough one day and turned to him and said "Unless your dying I don't want to hear your ailments" That shut him up pretty quick.

I have no time or patience with whiny people, walk a mile in my son's shoes and see how it feels.


I always get....You should do something about that cough.....or do you smoke, cause if you do maybe you should have another one? Sheeeeeesh, if they only knew.


New member
My sister's a major hypochondriac - she lives far away from us so we rarely see her. About six months after a weekend visit with them, she wrote to tell me that her daughter had been sick CONSTANTLY since seeing us!


I have a... oh who knows what she is, I think she's my second cousin... Something like that. Very convoluted family connection.
Anyway we see her whenever we have family 'reunions' in Michigan. When I say reunion I mean like a lunch/cards afternoon with the women of the family.
Anyway [I'm getting this second hand] Becky, the cousin or whatever, loves to complain. This time she was complaining about how she was slightly chunky and needed to lose weight, how she had strained her back during work, how she had a bunion on her foot, how she was having a horrible day [her hair was frizzy, horrible breakout, etc.] and tons of other things. Finally she stopped complaining [for once, which is a rare thing] and said 'but everything I'm going through must be nothing compared to what Candice has gone through' (when my grandmother was tell me this I wanted to say 'no kidding huh?') and then after a moment or two started complaining about her job. My grandmother wanted to hit her.

Although she apparently doesn't complain as much when I'm around it's still annoying to hear how much she complains second-hand. If she did complain that much around me, I'd give her a good talking to. I know when we're sick and not feeling very well we have a right to complain [it's almost expected] but dang she doesn't stop complaining even when she is 'oh I'm feeling pretty good'.


New member
I have a college roommate like that (I'm moving out). If you're sick, she's been worse. One time I had a severe allergic reaction and she wouldn't take me to the hospital because she's had worse and never needed a doctor. I don't talk to her about any thing now since no matter what topic it is she's had it worse from family, boyfriends, monthlies, to schoolwork. Now she doesn't understand why I don't tell her anything that's going on with me. Sometimes people just want to vent and she leaves no room for that.



New member
I love Debbie Downer!!! That was such a good skit, because every single one of them cracked halfway through it and couldn't stop breaking character. It was great.