Anyone from Holland?


New member
Hi. Im portuguese and planning on moving to The Netherlands, more specifically Amsterdam, next year. I need info about how it works there with cf patients,don't know anything yet. Any help would be much appreciated.
Also, you can contact me by email at .


New member
Hi. Im portuguese and planning on moving to The Netherlands, more specifically Amsterdam, next year. I need info about how it works there with cf patients,don't know anything yet. Any help would be much appreciated.
Also, you can contact me by email at .


New member
Hi. Im portuguese and planning on moving to The Netherlands, more specifically Amsterdam, next year. I need info about how it works there with cf patients,don't know anything yet. Any help would be much appreciated.
Also, you can contact me by email at .


New member
Hi, I don't know anything about a clinic in Asterdam but I do know that the CF clinic in Maastricht is wonderful. We lived in Germany five years ago for three and a half years and my daughters went to the pediatric CF clinic in Maastricht, NL. It was wonderful, the hospital was great, Dr. Hendricks was great. One big difference we saw was in how they did their physiotherapie and how much emphasis was put on physical activity. But then again that is the Dutch way, lots of physical activity, riding bicycles, walking, etc. We were not able to get the enzymes my daughters were on while we were there, they had to change to a different one but one of my daughters didn't do well with it so we used a mail order pharmacy to get it. They used Pancrease MT16 and I think they only had the normal Pancrease. They stopped using percussion there, years ago. They liked the flutter and deep cycles of breathing which their physiotherapist, Mario, showed them how to do. As far as cost goes, I don't know too much about that because we were there with the military and our military insurance covered 100%. Although I know that they, like most other european countries have social medicine. We never had a problem getting appointments or getting a hospital bed. But my girls were younger then and didn't have many problems. We never used home IV, so I don't know if it's even an option. One thing we did love was that they would let you leave the hospital for short periods of time. There was a horse show going on once and they told us to go and enjoy the show for a little while, so we did. We did bring in our own Pulmozyme and enzymes while we were there, they said if we had it at home we could just bring it instead of paying for it again. We really liked it.

I hope something of this helps.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)


New member
Hi, I don't know anything about a clinic in Asterdam but I do know that the CF clinic in Maastricht is wonderful. We lived in Germany five years ago for three and a half years and my daughters went to the pediatric CF clinic in Maastricht, NL. It was wonderful, the hospital was great, Dr. Hendricks was great. One big difference we saw was in how they did their physiotherapie and how much emphasis was put on physical activity. But then again that is the Dutch way, lots of physical activity, riding bicycles, walking, etc. We were not able to get the enzymes my daughters were on while we were there, they had to change to a different one but one of my daughters didn't do well with it so we used a mail order pharmacy to get it. They used Pancrease MT16 and I think they only had the normal Pancrease. They stopped using percussion there, years ago. They liked the flutter and deep cycles of breathing which their physiotherapist, Mario, showed them how to do. As far as cost goes, I don't know too much about that because we were there with the military and our military insurance covered 100%. Although I know that they, like most other european countries have social medicine. We never had a problem getting appointments or getting a hospital bed. But my girls were younger then and didn't have many problems. We never used home IV, so I don't know if it's even an option. One thing we did love was that they would let you leave the hospital for short periods of time. There was a horse show going on once and they told us to go and enjoy the show for a little while, so we did. We did bring in our own Pulmozyme and enzymes while we were there, they said if we had it at home we could just bring it instead of paying for it again. We really liked it.

I hope something of this helps.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)


New member
Hi, I don't know anything about a clinic in Asterdam but I do know that the CF clinic in Maastricht is wonderful. We lived in Germany five years ago for three and a half years and my daughters went to the pediatric CF clinic in Maastricht, NL. It was wonderful, the hospital was great, Dr. Hendricks was great. One big difference we saw was in how they did their physiotherapie and how much emphasis was put on physical activity. But then again that is the Dutch way, lots of physical activity, riding bicycles, walking, etc. We were not able to get the enzymes my daughters were on while we were there, they had to change to a different one but one of my daughters didn't do well with it so we used a mail order pharmacy to get it. They used Pancrease MT16 and I think they only had the normal Pancrease. They stopped using percussion there, years ago. They liked the flutter and deep cycles of breathing which their physiotherapist, Mario, showed them how to do. As far as cost goes, I don't know too much about that because we were there with the military and our military insurance covered 100%. Although I know that they, like most other european countries have social medicine. We never had a problem getting appointments or getting a hospital bed. But my girls were younger then and didn't have many problems. We never used home IV, so I don't know if it's even an option. One thing we did love was that they would let you leave the hospital for short periods of time. There was a horse show going on once and they told us to go and enjoy the show for a little while, so we did. We did bring in our own Pulmozyme and enzymes while we were there, they said if we had it at home we could just bring it instead of paying for it again. We really liked it.

I hope something of this helps.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)


New member
Hi Vera,
i'm from the Netherlands, and have/had my cf clinic in Amsterdam. Till this summer (when i got my translant) i used to go to the AMC in Amsterdam, they have an Adult and Kids cf clinic. I went to their adult clinic and as a kid i used to go to the VU Medical Center, also in Amsterdam (they don't have an adult clinic but work together with the AMC).

Both hospitals are very good. the AMC has two cf specilalists. You get a primary doctor but if he/she isn't there the other can help you too. They have a nurse at the clinic too that you can contact for all sorts of things too. With my first visit the nurse showed me everything. Where they do pft's, where the dietician is (they made an appointment there too, just to talk things through so they know you and know how you are) We went to see the ward and i got to talk to a CF nurse there. They made an appointment with the Physio too.

Liza has already told you a lot <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It's true that they don't use percussion anymore. They really encourage activity and breathing exercises.
I don't really know what to tell you now. But i'll email you, so you have my emailadress and you can ask me specific questions you have.



New member
Hi Vera,
i'm from the Netherlands, and have/had my cf clinic in Amsterdam. Till this summer (when i got my translant) i used to go to the AMC in Amsterdam, they have an Adult and Kids cf clinic. I went to their adult clinic and as a kid i used to go to the VU Medical Center, also in Amsterdam (they don't have an adult clinic but work together with the AMC).

Both hospitals are very good. the AMC has two cf specilalists. You get a primary doctor but if he/she isn't there the other can help you too. They have a nurse at the clinic too that you can contact for all sorts of things too. With my first visit the nurse showed me everything. Where they do pft's, where the dietician is (they made an appointment there too, just to talk things through so they know you and know how you are) We went to see the ward and i got to talk to a CF nurse there. They made an appointment with the Physio too.

Liza has already told you a lot <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It's true that they don't use percussion anymore. They really encourage activity and breathing exercises.
I don't really know what to tell you now. But i'll email you, so you have my emailadress and you can ask me specific questions you have.



New member
Hi Vera,
i'm from the Netherlands, and have/had my cf clinic in Amsterdam. Till this summer (when i got my translant) i used to go to the AMC in Amsterdam, they have an Adult and Kids cf clinic. I went to their adult clinic and as a kid i used to go to the VU Medical Center, also in Amsterdam (they don't have an adult clinic but work together with the AMC).

Both hospitals are very good. the AMC has two cf specilalists. You get a primary doctor but if he/she isn't there the other can help you too. They have a nurse at the clinic too that you can contact for all sorts of things too. With my first visit the nurse showed me everything. Where they do pft's, where the dietician is (they made an appointment there too, just to talk things through so they know you and know how you are) We went to see the ward and i got to talk to a CF nurse there. They made an appointment with the Physio too.

Liza has already told you a lot <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It's true that they don't use percussion anymore. They really encourage activity and breathing exercises.
I don't really know what to tell you now. But i'll email you, so you have my emailadress and you can ask me specific questions you have.
