Hi Candice:
Well my husband was in school until 5 p.m. Texas time so while he was there I chilled at the hotel. It was great, I read, slept in (something I never get to do), watched TV, took a nap every day- ha ha. Things I don't get to usually do running after 4 kids and a husband. Painted my toe nails. he he
Every night we would do something. We went to the mall- great malls there, went to the stockyards which were REALLY cool, it was so weird to walk around with a beer and we even had to buy cowboy hats to feel like we fit in, while there we went to a rodeo (I have never done that- it was fun), Went to Billy bob's, the JFK museum, speed zone, drove around and walked downtown- took the dart (bus) there, I loved the Saltgrass restaurants- my husband had a steak everyday- we ate really good every day. We also ate at Texas N Brazil- cool place. We put 700 miles on the rental car, which was just night driving. It was fun, we are now home and trying to get everything back in order. Unpacking for everyone, because the kids also had to pack for grandmas house. It was a nice break.
Take Care
Step mom to Brittany 13 no cf
mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
mom to Brady 4 with cf
mom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chomosome 9 q21.2q22.1 deletion