Anyone going to be at the Phila Zoo for the walk this Sat? Items to donate.


New member
My husband who had CF passed away in Feb. I have several items of his and medications that I know both are expensive so I hate to just toss them. I would like to bring them to the walk Sat. and give them to anyone in need. A friend of ours also has CF but she is only in need of some of the items for she is not on some of the same meds.

I have a TRAVEL nebulizer, you would probably want to get a new neb set up for it, a therapy vest unit and 2 vests, a large quantity of Xoponex and maybe a few other meds.

The hospital had stated upon his passing that they would take anything I had, this I would rather not do for they immediately after his passing mentioned this, how cold. Also the care at this hospital was lousy and it is why I truly believed he did not get any better and passed when he did and how he did.

Please say a prayer that Christopher is at peace. He was my soul mate and I miss him terribly. We were married for 12 years and I knew him since 1989. Forever he will be in my heart and we are doing this walk in his honor!

Thank you.


New member
My husband who had CF passed away in Feb. I have several items of his and medications that I know both are expensive so I hate to just toss them. I would like to bring them to the walk Sat. and give them to anyone in need. A friend of ours also has CF but she is only in need of some of the items for she is not on some of the same meds.

I have a TRAVEL nebulizer, you would probably want to get a new neb set up for it, a therapy vest unit and 2 vests, a large quantity of Xoponex and maybe a few other meds.

The hospital had stated upon his passing that they would take anything I had, this I would rather not do for they immediately after his passing mentioned this, how cold. Also the care at this hospital was lousy and it is why I truly believed he did not get any better and passed when he did and how he did.

Please say a prayer that Christopher is at peace. He was my soul mate and I miss him terribly. We were married for 12 years and I knew him since 1989. Forever he will be in my heart and we are doing this walk in his honor!

Thank you.


New member
My husband who had CF passed away in Feb. I have several items of his and medications that I know both are expensive so I hate to just toss them. I would like to bring them to the walk Sat. and give them to anyone in need. A friend of ours also has CF but she is only in need of some of the items for she is not on some of the same meds.
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<br />I have a TRAVEL nebulizer, you would probably want to get a new neb set up for it, a therapy vest unit and 2 vests, a large quantity of Xoponex and maybe a few other meds.
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<br />The hospital had stated upon his passing that they would take anything I had, this I would rather not do for they immediately after his passing mentioned this, how cold. Also the care at this hospital was lousy and it is why I truly believed he did not get any better and passed when he did and how he did.
<br />
<br />Please say a prayer that Christopher is at peace. He was my soul mate and I miss him terribly. We were married for 12 years and I knew him since 1989. Forever he will be in my heart and we are doing this walk in his honor!
<br />
<br />Thank you.