Anyone have Lactose intolerance issues?



I have been having a lot of stomach aches lately. I usually get very BAD gas pains during "that time of the month" and when I go to the bathroom I am fine. And the rest of the month I am fine as well. Well this time I was still getting the pains a week after my period was over. Like curled over in bed, agonizing pain. I dont think I need more enzymes, my bm's are well formed (albeit stinky) and I take lactulose (which I believe is like miralax, stool softener)...and I had not missed any doses of that and was actually more vigilant about taking it.

Well then I did some searching the other day and found (on that some CFer's as we get older develop less of a tolerance for milk/cheese products, thus making us lactose intolerant. Has anyone ever heard of this? Webmd said the symptoms were stomach cramps/pain and stinky bm's. Does anyone else find that they cant tolerate milk? I LOOOOOOOVE milk and cheese, but I have decided to give it up for a few days and see how I do. So far, softer stools, less stinky and less pain...Any other suggestions? Your experiences would be helpful too.

UPDATE: I was fine when I didnt eat/drink dairy. All last week, I had no pain and was able to go to the bathroom without pain. I started up sunday drinking milk again...and had a tiny bit of cheese on Sat...I am in pain yet again. I have been drinking milk the last two mornings and I think that is the problem. If the pain continues I will call, but thank you all for your advice.


I have been having a lot of stomach aches lately. I usually get very BAD gas pains during "that time of the month" and when I go to the bathroom I am fine. And the rest of the month I am fine as well. Well this time I was still getting the pains a week after my period was over. Like curled over in bed, agonizing pain. I dont think I need more enzymes, my bm's are well formed (albeit stinky) and I take lactulose (which I believe is like miralax, stool softener)...and I had not missed any doses of that and was actually more vigilant about taking it.

Well then I did some searching the other day and found (on that some CFer's as we get older develop less of a tolerance for milk/cheese products, thus making us lactose intolerant. Has anyone ever heard of this? Webmd said the symptoms were stomach cramps/pain and stinky bm's. Does anyone else find that they cant tolerate milk? I LOOOOOOOVE milk and cheese, but I have decided to give it up for a few days and see how I do. So far, softer stools, less stinky and less pain...Any other suggestions? Your experiences would be helpful too.

UPDATE: I was fine when I didnt eat/drink dairy. All last week, I had no pain and was able to go to the bathroom without pain. I started up sunday drinking milk again...and had a tiny bit of cheese on Sat...I am in pain yet again. I have been drinking milk the last two mornings and I think that is the problem. If the pain continues I will call, but thank you all for your advice.


I have been having a lot of stomach aches lately. I usually get very BAD gas pains during "that time of the month" and when I go to the bathroom I am fine. And the rest of the month I am fine as well. Well this time I was still getting the pains a week after my period was over. Like curled over in bed, agonizing pain. I dont think I need more enzymes, my bm's are well formed (albeit stinky) and I take lactulose (which I believe is like miralax, stool softener)...and I had not missed any doses of that and was actually more vigilant about taking it.

Well then I did some searching the other day and found (on that some CFer's as we get older develop less of a tolerance for milk/cheese products, thus making us lactose intolerant. Has anyone ever heard of this? Webmd said the symptoms were stomach cramps/pain and stinky bm's. Does anyone else find that they cant tolerate milk? I LOOOOOOOVE milk and cheese, but I have decided to give it up for a few days and see how I do. So far, softer stools, less stinky and less pain...Any other suggestions? Your experiences would be helpful too.

UPDATE: I was fine when I didnt eat/drink dairy. All last week, I had no pain and was able to go to the bathroom without pain. I started up sunday drinking milk again...and had a tiny bit of cheese on Sat...I am in pain yet again. I have been drinking milk the last two mornings and I think that is the problem. If the pain continues I will call, but thank you all for your advice.


I have been having a lot of stomach aches lately. I usually get very BAD gas pains during "that time of the month" and when I go to the bathroom I am fine. And the rest of the month I am fine as well. Well this time I was still getting the pains a week after my period was over. Like curled over in bed, agonizing pain. I dont think I need more enzymes, my bm's are well formed (albeit stinky) and I take lactulose (which I believe is like miralax, stool softener)...and I had not missed any doses of that and was actually more vigilant about taking it.

Well then I did some searching the other day and found (on that some CFer's as we get older develop less of a tolerance for milk/cheese products, thus making us lactose intolerant. Has anyone ever heard of this? Webmd said the symptoms were stomach cramps/pain and stinky bm's. Does anyone else find that they cant tolerate milk? I LOOOOOOOVE milk and cheese, but I have decided to give it up for a few days and see how I do. So far, softer stools, less stinky and less pain...Any other suggestions? Your experiences would be helpful too.

UPDATE: I was fine when I didnt eat/drink dairy. All last week, I had no pain and was able to go to the bathroom without pain. I started up sunday drinking milk again...and had a tiny bit of cheese on Sat...I am in pain yet again. I have been drinking milk the last two mornings and I think that is the problem. If the pain continues I will call, but thank you all for your advice.


I have been having a lot of stomach aches lately. I usually get very BAD gas pains during "that time of the month" and when I go to the bathroom I am fine. And the rest of the month I am fine as well. Well this time I was still getting the pains a week after my period was over. Like curled over in bed, agonizing pain. I dont think I need more enzymes, my bm's are well formed (albeit stinky) and I take lactulose (which I believe is like miralax, stool softener)...and I had not missed any doses of that and was actually more vigilant about taking it.
<br />
<br />Well then I did some searching the other day and found (on that some CFer's as we get older develop less of a tolerance for milk/cheese products, thus making us lactose intolerant. Has anyone ever heard of this? Webmd said the symptoms were stomach cramps/pain and stinky bm's. Does anyone else find that they cant tolerate milk? I LOOOOOOOVE milk and cheese, but I have decided to give it up for a few days and see how I do. So far, softer stools, less stinky and less pain...Any other suggestions? Your experiences would be helpful too.
<br />
<br />UPDATE: I was fine when I didnt eat/drink dairy. All last week, I had no pain and was able to go to the bathroom without pain. I started up sunday drinking milk again...and had a tiny bit of cheese on Sat...I am in pain yet again. I have been drinking milk the last two mornings and I think that is the problem. If the pain continues I will call, but thank you all for your advice.


New member
I self-diagnosed myself as lactose intolerant because of the reaction I get when I consume anything strongly dairy. Milk, cream, ice cream are definite no-nos but I can stand a tiny amount of cheese; it seems best to avoid the creamy type. Since I go for the hard varieties of cheese (higher in fat) I make sure to take enough enzymes.

Just like you described I'd get terrible stomach cramps and these are definitely worse around period time. A few weeks ago I sort of conveniently forgot about this intolerance and ate some awesome creamy garlic potatoes my friend made. Man did I regret that later as I spent an hour doubled over on my bed waiting for the cramps to go away! Talk about food remorse!

I don't have any references to hand but it is my understanding that dairy products are mucous promoters, which would indicate to me that all cf-ers/ asthmatics should try to avoid them!


New member
I self-diagnosed myself as lactose intolerant because of the reaction I get when I consume anything strongly dairy. Milk, cream, ice cream are definite no-nos but I can stand a tiny amount of cheese; it seems best to avoid the creamy type. Since I go for the hard varieties of cheese (higher in fat) I make sure to take enough enzymes.

Just like you described I'd get terrible stomach cramps and these are definitely worse around period time. A few weeks ago I sort of conveniently forgot about this intolerance and ate some awesome creamy garlic potatoes my friend made. Man did I regret that later as I spent an hour doubled over on my bed waiting for the cramps to go away! Talk about food remorse!

I don't have any references to hand but it is my understanding that dairy products are mucous promoters, which would indicate to me that all cf-ers/ asthmatics should try to avoid them!


New member
I self-diagnosed myself as lactose intolerant because of the reaction I get when I consume anything strongly dairy. Milk, cream, ice cream are definite no-nos but I can stand a tiny amount of cheese; it seems best to avoid the creamy type. Since I go for the hard varieties of cheese (higher in fat) I make sure to take enough enzymes.

Just like you described I'd get terrible stomach cramps and these are definitely worse around period time. A few weeks ago I sort of conveniently forgot about this intolerance and ate some awesome creamy garlic potatoes my friend made. Man did I regret that later as I spent an hour doubled over on my bed waiting for the cramps to go away! Talk about food remorse!

I don't have any references to hand but it is my understanding that dairy products are mucous promoters, which would indicate to me that all cf-ers/ asthmatics should try to avoid them!


New member
I self-diagnosed myself as lactose intolerant because of the reaction I get when I consume anything strongly dairy. Milk, cream, ice cream are definite no-nos but I can stand a tiny amount of cheese; it seems best to avoid the creamy type. Since I go for the hard varieties of cheese (higher in fat) I make sure to take enough enzymes.

Just like you described I'd get terrible stomach cramps and these are definitely worse around period time. A few weeks ago I sort of conveniently forgot about this intolerance and ate some awesome creamy garlic potatoes my friend made. Man did I regret that later as I spent an hour doubled over on my bed waiting for the cramps to go away! Talk about food remorse!

I don't have any references to hand but it is my understanding that dairy products are mucous promoters, which would indicate to me that all cf-ers/ asthmatics should try to avoid them!


New member
I self-diagnosed myself as lactose intolerant because of the reaction I get when I consume anything strongly dairy. Milk, cream, ice cream are definite no-nos but I can stand a tiny amount of cheese; it seems best to avoid the creamy type. Since I go for the hard varieties of cheese (higher in fat) I make sure to take enough enzymes.
<br />
<br />Just like you described I'd get terrible stomach cramps and these are definitely worse around period time. A few weeks ago I sort of conveniently forgot about this intolerance and ate some awesome creamy garlic potatoes my friend made. Man did I regret that later as I spent an hour doubled over on my bed waiting for the cramps to go away! Talk about food remorse!
<br />
<br />I don't have any references to hand but it is my understanding that dairy products are mucous promoters, which would indicate to me that all cf-ers/ asthmatics should try to avoid them!


Ooo...thank you! I am so glad I am not the only one who had those pains. I literally lay in bed or curl up wherever I am in hopes of the pain easing even hurts right up to the toilet. I like grip the window frame above my head...

Its so strange because I never used to get this pain. Its probably been about a year having the pain during my period and my doctors kind of just push it to the back of the convo saying its inflamation. And I never thought it was so bad, just figured pms or something since it would go away.

So far today...NO PAIN and a much softer bm. I am going to give it about a week without milk/cheese and then maybe introduce one of the two back to find a culprit.

Anyone else is welcome to share advice and stories! Not all that glamorous, but I am looking for others in the same boat...


Ooo...thank you! I am so glad I am not the only one who had those pains. I literally lay in bed or curl up wherever I am in hopes of the pain easing even hurts right up to the toilet. I like grip the window frame above my head...

Its so strange because I never used to get this pain. Its probably been about a year having the pain during my period and my doctors kind of just push it to the back of the convo saying its inflamation. And I never thought it was so bad, just figured pms or something since it would go away.

So far today...NO PAIN and a much softer bm. I am going to give it about a week without milk/cheese and then maybe introduce one of the two back to find a culprit.

Anyone else is welcome to share advice and stories! Not all that glamorous, but I am looking for others in the same boat...


Ooo...thank you! I am so glad I am not the only one who had those pains. I literally lay in bed or curl up wherever I am in hopes of the pain easing even hurts right up to the toilet. I like grip the window frame above my head...

Its so strange because I never used to get this pain. Its probably been about a year having the pain during my period and my doctors kind of just push it to the back of the convo saying its inflamation. And I never thought it was so bad, just figured pms or something since it would go away.

So far today...NO PAIN and a much softer bm. I am going to give it about a week without milk/cheese and then maybe introduce one of the two back to find a culprit.

Anyone else is welcome to share advice and stories! Not all that glamorous, but I am looking for others in the same boat...


Ooo...thank you! I am so glad I am not the only one who had those pains. I literally lay in bed or curl up wherever I am in hopes of the pain easing even hurts right up to the toilet. I like grip the window frame above my head...

Its so strange because I never used to get this pain. Its probably been about a year having the pain during my period and my doctors kind of just push it to the back of the convo saying its inflamation. And I never thought it was so bad, just figured pms or something since it would go away.

So far today...NO PAIN and a much softer bm. I am going to give it about a week without milk/cheese and then maybe introduce one of the two back to find a culprit.

Anyone else is welcome to share advice and stories! Not all that glamorous, but I am looking for others in the same boat...


Ooo...thank you! I am so glad I am not the only one who had those pains. I literally lay in bed or curl up wherever I am in hopes of the pain easing even hurts right up to the toilet. I like grip the window frame above my head...
<br />
<br />Its so strange because I never used to get this pain. Its probably been about a year having the pain during my period and my doctors kind of just push it to the back of the convo saying its inflamation. And I never thought it was so bad, just figured pms or something since it would go away.
<br />
<br />So far today...NO PAIN and a much softer bm. I am going to give it about a week without milk/cheese and then maybe introduce one of the two back to find a culprit.
<br />
<br />Anyone else is welcome to share advice and stories! Not all that glamorous, but I am looking for others in the same boat...


New member
I also self diagnosed myself with being lactose intollerant after all the bad reaction with belly aches after taking in dairy. This was about 5 years ago. Now I take lactaid pills before eating something with dairy in it and they help. Also, they make many things lactose free now. Breyers even makes an ice cream that is lactose free and is good. Here is a link from the Lactaid co. that makes products for us with dairy issues.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I also self diagnosed myself with being lactose intollerant after all the bad reaction with belly aches after taking in dairy. This was about 5 years ago. Now I take lactaid pills before eating something with dairy in it and they help. Also, they make many things lactose free now. Breyers even makes an ice cream that is lactose free and is good. Here is a link from the Lactaid co. that makes products for us with dairy issues.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I also self diagnosed myself with being lactose intollerant after all the bad reaction with belly aches after taking in dairy. This was about 5 years ago. Now I take lactaid pills before eating something with dairy in it and they help. Also, they make many things lactose free now. Breyers even makes an ice cream that is lactose free and is good. Here is a link from the Lactaid co. that makes products for us with dairy issues.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I also self diagnosed myself with being lactose intollerant after all the bad reaction with belly aches after taking in dairy. This was about 5 years ago. Now I take lactaid pills before eating something with dairy in it and they help. Also, they make many things lactose free now. Breyers even makes an ice cream that is lactose free and is good. Here is a link from the Lactaid co. that makes products for us with dairy issues.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I also self diagnosed myself with being lactose intollerant after all the bad reaction with belly aches after taking in dairy. This was about 5 years ago. Now I take lactaid pills before eating something with dairy in it and they help. Also, they make many things lactose free now. Breyers even makes an ice cream that is lactose free and is good. Here is a link from the Lactaid co. that makes products for us with dairy issues.
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