anyone try Spirulina


New member
Is anyone using Spirulina? I read it is supposed to be a great immune enhancer?
I see on oneof the topics that Lysine is a frequently supplement also. What has everyone found this helps with. I am looking into trying some new things. major concerns with keeping the mucous thinned and my bronchospasm under control. Just got out of the hospital after a major crisis that sent me to the vent for a few days.

Dont want to go back there.


New member
I do alot of alternative supplements/herbs/nutrition stuff. I view this as a helper, and a preventer. But certainly not a curer, and I don't think it gives any guarantees. Of course nothing does.
I take Spirulina in my morning nutritional shake. It also includes Sea algaes, wheat grass, and raw dried herbs and such. The great thing about Spirulina for cfers is it is easy to digest and absorb. It does offer alot of immune support. And a free radical fighter too. A nutritionist I follow told me about it.


New member
that's interesting! my last container of soy shake mix that i bought said it contained Spirulina and i keep forgetting to look into it. i guess it's a good thing for us.

laura, 27


New member
I took this way before my transplant. I do not take it any longer. I eat lots of green veggies instead. I have taken barley grass which is similar.

Spirlina is great for you. When you go to the bathroom and your bowels turn darker that is from the spirilina. High in minerals and fiber.