Anyone use the new Hillrom vests??


New member
I got the new colored hill rom vest a few months ago and feel really painful when I use it. I get really uncomfortable and often feel like vomiting. The RTs have told me its more effective since it pounds from all directions and it does make me cough harder but boy does that vest make me hurt. I prefer the older ones because im more comfortable while using them. Do I maybe need to change my settings since its a new vest??


New member
I got the new colored hill rom vest a few months ago and feel really painful when I use it. I get really uncomfortable and often feel like vomiting. The RTs have told me its more effective since it pounds from all directions and it does make me cough harder but boy does that vest make me hurt. I prefer the older ones because im more comfortable while using them. Do I maybe need to change my settings since its a new vest??


New member
i would lower the pusher on the hill rom it might be up to high are smart vest when we got it the pusher was up to 100 and good thing that i lowed that so you might wont to try that

a mom with 3 boys only one with cf delta f508


New member
i would lower the pusher on the hill rom it might be up to high are smart vest when we got it the pusher was up to 100 and good thing that i lowed that so you might wont to try that

a mom with 3 boys only one with cf delta f508