Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!


New member
Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!

Hi, my name is Heather Doughman and I'm 18 years old and have Cystic Fibrosis. When I was twelve, I had a double-lung transplant. Everything was great, untill two years ago, when I was diagnosed with cronic rejection. Ever since then, my life has gone downhill. I couldn't go to my last two years of highschool, and I'm still trying to catch up with all my work. I have a wheelchair because I can't walk long distances without getting very tired and I'm not aloud to go out very much. The worst thing is, all of my friends abandond me. It's like I never even existed to them. I only have one friend, but shes so busy with life out of highschool, I hardly ever see her. It's so hard on me, I don't even have my liscense because I've been so sick. I've been diagnosed as being severly depressed and it hardly ever gets better. The only joy I get out of life anymore are when I read or see my two-year old niece, and thats even hard because I get tired so fast. I don't see how I'll ever get a job, because even when college is over with the rejection will never go away and I'll be limited to what kind of job I can get. I can't even look forward to having children when I grow older, because the doctors said it would be to dangerous for me and the baby. I look around me and see how everyone else is growing and fulfilling their dreams and all I can do is watch. I sit in my room and watch them all through what seems to be a thick wall that can't be destroyed. Can someone please talk to me, I feel like I have nobody who understands and it hurts so much.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
RE:Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!

Dear Heather,

First my thoughts and prayers are with you. Second, I had a Bi-lateral transplant Dec. 2002 so I can realte to you there. If you need to talk I will give every effort to provide a comforting ear. If you want to talk we could try messaging here or you could e-mail me at, whatever you are comfortable with.

No matter what you decide I can tell you you are not alone. Hope to hear from you soon.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice of hoarding them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
RE:Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!

Senatorgraham, hi its Heather, and I just want to thank you for offering to talk to me. I'm going to be dumb here and say that I have no clue what a Bi-lateral transplant is. Could you please tell me? I want to tell you that you just repliying to my post has made me feel better. For now, could we talk here? I'd like to until we talk more. Right now I've kept myself busy watching some movies today, so I'm feeling alright. If you ever want to talk about how you feel, I'll listen.



New member
RE:Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!

Dear Heather,

No worries. I hope you are feeling better. Bi-lateral is just having both lungs transplated. As I understand it some people only have one done (uni-lateral). Maybe they have one lung worse than they other and/or had a live donor for one lung.

I am comfortable talking here I only give my personal e-mail because some people have no problem talking about their situations and other people are uncomfortable with it.

So what movies did you watch?



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice of hoarding them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
RE:Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!

Hey there Heather, I must say that you are not alone, although I have not gone through a lung transplant or rejection, I have gone through almost everything else you are going through right now...I have had a liver transplant thought & b/c of the ant rejection I developed cancer in my lungs, it under control now but it was something to deal with! Anyway I'm here if you want to talk, I think i have my e-mail address on my profile, so yeah anyway if you need to anytime just give me a "shout"! I would love to hear from you <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
RE:Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!

Hi Heather,
I'm not going through what you are ... but my sister was ... she just got a second lung transplant ... and she is recovering now ... but my sister was going through the same thing you were ... and my sister and i are really close so ... i've seen her through it all ... she had chronic rejection and she had been on oxygen for the past 8ish months ... if you'd like to talk to me feel free to email me or we can just talk here ... but if you don't want to cuz i'm too young and because i wasn't the one who went through it i understand ! ... just i'm here if you wanna talk !


New member
RE:Anyone whos had a transplant but is in rejection? I need to talk to someone who can understands what I'm going through!

Hey Heather,
I am sorry to read that you are going thru such a difficult time. I am 31 and have had 2 double lung transplants. The 1st was on 10/09/02 and it lasted until about the end of April '04 when I needed to be hospitalized for stage 4 chronic rejection and within 2-3 wks I was totally oxygen dependent and stayed that way until my 2nd transplant which was on 01/28/05. I know that I am older than you and also a male so if you are not comfortable with talking I understand, but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and I hope to hear from you. I'll look here for postings or my e-mail should be visable in my profile, but if not it's Hang in there!!