Are the PFT clinic machines spreading bacteria?


New member
I have always wondered if PFT clinic machines spread bacteria among CF patients? I understand that there is a 'disposable point of contact mouth piece' used for each patient. I wonder about the filtration mechanism itself and how it filters bacteria past the disposable piece itself, through the tubing and in-though the PFT machine. Does anyone have any background information on these filters that could give me peace about letting my young son with CF PFT's do PFT's at clinic every 90 days? Since we all can have our own nebulizer machine, our own Vest machine.... then why not a calibrated PFT machine that allows us to report to the clinic?


Staff member
At our local CF clinic, the PFT machine is located in an enclosed room/cubicle and we weren't comfortable having DS go there due to concerns with germs and cross contamination. Especially since it was used by the entire clinic system. Our cf clinic in the city, the pfts are done in an exam room with a machine attached to a computer. New tubing, new packaging, for each individual.


New member
I am curious about the PFT machine spreading germs too.

At my clinic the CF patients use machines held in their own rooms. The mouth piece is individual, but the tubing was not replaced. I will ask for that next time. As for the PFT machine in its own room I believe it can give more information when the patient is enclosed in the small glass room. The big room size machine has what looks like oxygen tanks, but the small transportable machine seems to use room air. I don't know if the tanks decrease germs.

Any other tips other than new tubing as well as mouth piece.

At our local CF clinic, the PFT machine is located in an enclosed room/cubicle and we weren't comfortable having DS go there due to concerns with germs and cross contamination. Especially since it was used by the entire clinic system. Our cf clinic in the city, the pfts are done in an exam room with a machine attached to a computer. New tubing, new packaging, for each individual.


I know that some of the professional grade spirometers, we sell here at Medrise, are used with Transplant Patients.
The QRS is actually used with a live connection from home to the clinic. So the HCP watches as the patient takes the test at home on their own professional grade spirometer. The tests are recorded over the web, in a HIPAA privacy fashion, I am sure.

I am interested to know if this happens in other situations besides transplant?


New member
Bill...I did ask the clinic we do PFT's at, I also asked the infectious disease department at Stanford Hospitol and I called the Cystic Fibeosis Foundation. Pretty much accross the board I have been told that PFT machines are very expensive...that in order for CF patients clinical data to be entered into the CF R&D data center....PFT's must be done at an accredited CF center with a calibrated PFT machine. When I dig deeper into PFT machines, tubing and filters carring bacteria witin...t
I am told that this is the best system they have in place right now and that they understand my concern.