Arghhh... so irritated


New member
I don't know why I feel the need to vent this here... except the fact that I am so irritated that I want to SCREAM! And my husband doesn't want to listen to me complain anymore (I wouldn't want to listen to me anymore either... so you can stop reading if you want to!) BUt I have to tell someone.

I have a subordinate who has done almost nothing all year and now is pulling the most ridiculous power trip with my boss and he is falling for it. I have had it. I have wanted to fire her at least 5 times and let her come up with excuses why she shouldn't be fired and I listened to her and now she is trying to make me look stupid and bad or something.

ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! And it's 10pm so I can't even call her up and yell at her!

Thanks for letting me vent!