


Interesting. It sucks that everything is such a tradeoff though, so we get access to another tool in the arsenal but it could cause cancer. Yippeees!


New member
I am writing you from Belgium.
Also, the link about Arikace proposed on the forum doesn’t work on my computer. I don’t know why?
For my part, my son is trying the Arikace trial. But, he is only at the beginning of the study and it is to early to tell something about negative of positive effects.
But one of the inconvenient is that he had an irritation throat. I don’t know what I can do. I try natural thing as honing or chamomile tea . It helps a little but perhaps somebody has other ideas or has perhaps more experience with such a situation.
I only hope that this will be a temporary secondary effect.
Kind regards.
Sorry for my bad English.


New member
Well, I don't know exactly what for a mutation he has.
Does it have a relation between arikace and mutatations?
I thought that arikace ( antibiotic ) was purposed to fire again pseudomonas?
It's why I don't understand the exactly meaning of your question,