As we prepare for our results


New member
I have to wear medical alert tags for all my medicine allergies. I was wondering how many people that have CF wear them to notify paremedics in the event of an accident or breathing problems. I think I may add this question as a poll if I can figure it out. Do you feel it is a good choice to have one.
waiting for DNA results on Maxwell age 6 yrs


New member
When Courtney was first diagnosed I made her wear a medical alert tag. As she has gotten older I rarely see her wear it.

I think it embarrases her, and makes her feel different around her friends.

I was thinking of getting her one that is a necklace. That would not be as obvious, but would still have all of her information.



New member
I wear one. I have one drug allergy so that is on there too, as well as the name of the hospital my clinic is at and my patient number.


New member
I wear one. Sometimes I'm a lazy butt and forget to put it on, but I have one and always have and I wear it when I remember.